Aviation (Management) - 3981
Program Summary
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Contact: http://www.aviation.unsw.edu.au
Campus: Sydney
Career: Undergraduate
Typical UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC Per Semester: 3
Max UOC Per Semester: 27
Min UOC For Award: 144
UAC Code: 429520
Domestic Entry Requirements: See Domestic Entry Requirements
International Entry Requirements: See International Entry Requirements
Bachelor of Aviation (Major)
View program information for previous years
Program Description
The aim of this program is to provide an opportunity for students to prepare for a career in the aviation industry. Program 3981 is a Managerial stream which prepares students more specifically for careers in the managerial sector of the aviation industry. A Flying stream, which incorporates flight training, is also available - please refer to program 3980 in this Online Handbook.
Both streams consist of core courses selected from the Faculties offering the program together with a range of options. The Managerial stream offers a selection of courses designed to provide students with a broad base of knowledge in managing the operational aspects of the aviation industry.
Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes
- Graduates will have developed effective oral and written communication skills;
- Graduates will have developed information and digital literacy;
- Graduates will display skills relevant to teamwork and leadership;
- Graduates will have a thorough understanding of ethical practice in scientific and commercial contexts;
- Graduates will be capable of understanding this discipline as a stand-alone discipline and in its interdisciplinary context;
- Graduates will be able to apply their knowledge and skills to collect, analyse and evaluate information;
- Graduates will be capable of both independent and also collaborative work.
Program Structure
Total of 144 UoC
Discipline Specific Core of 96 UoC
66 UoC of core courses in Aviation (Management) (stages 1, 2 & 3)
30 UoC of Aviation (Management) Electives
Breadth Component of 48 UOC
36 UoC of free electives: these courses can be taken from any Faculty of the University
12 UoC General Education courses: these courses cannot be Science courses.
- Free Electives (18 UOC)
- Free electives (12 UOC)
- General Education (6 UOC)
- Free elective (6 U0C)
- General Education (6 UOC)
Academic Rules
2. Students must follow the program of study as described in this Handbook, including core (compulsory) courses and electives as specified. The Program Authority, or nominee must approve any variation to the program.
3. A maximum of 60 units of credit of level I courses can be taken throughout the entire program, excluding any GEN*#### or other mainstream level I courses taken to fulfil the 12 UoC General Education requirement.
4. Students must complete 12 units of credit of General Education. Students must follow the UNSW rules for general education. Any course defined as a 'science' course in Table 1, cannot be taken as general education. Any exceptions to these rules must be approved by the Program Authority or nominee.
Aviation | AVIA |
Biological Earth and Environmental Sciences | BEES, BIOS, CLIM, ENVS, GEOS, MSCI |
Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences | BABS, BIOC, BIOT, INOV, MICR |
Chemistry | CHEM |
Computer Science | COMP |
Data Science | DATA |
Food Science | FOOD |
Materials Science and Engineering | MATS |
Mathematics and Statistics | MATH |
Medical Sciences | ANAT, NEUR, PATH, PHAR, PHSL, SOMS |
Psychology | PSYC |
Physics | PHYS |
Optometry and Vision Science | OPTM, VISN |
Science Faculty | SCIF |
Graduate Diploma in Flying (5536)
To gain entry to this program, students must:
- Have completed a Bachelor of Aviation (Management) undergraduate degree at UNSW or equivalent, or
- Have satisfactorily completed the equivalent of 1 year FTE of the Bachelor of Aviation (Management) at UNSW or equivalent, and
- Hold an Australian Class 1 Aviation Medical Certificate, and
- Be an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident, and
- Attend an interview with Head, School of Aviation or nominee to ascertain suitability with regards to motivation and background.
Note: Students taking the Aviation (Management) program as a dual award with a Bachelor of Commerce (i.e. enrolled in 3835) cannot enrol in 5536 Graduate Diploma (Flying) concurrently with their undergraduate studies due to timetabling constraints. Dual award students interested in pursuing flight training through the Graduate Diploma are advised to complete their undergraduate studies before applying for 5536 Graduate Diploma in Flying, or transfer to the single award 3981 Aviation (Management) and apply for 5536 Graduate Diploma in Flying.
Dual Awards
- ECON1203 and MATH1041 are excluded courses and core courses in both programs. Students must take ECON1203 for their Commerce program and this will be counted towards satisfying the requirements to take MATH1041 in the Aviation program;
- MGMT2721 is an elective in the Aviation (Management) program and an elective in the Commerce program. Where students choose to take this course in either program it may also be used towards meeting the elective requirements of the other program. However, students completing a Management or Human Resource Management major in the Bachelor of Commerce are excluded from taking MGMT2721 and therefore cannot take MGMT2721 as an elective in the Aviation (Management) program. These students will need to choose an alternative course to meet the stage 2 elective requirements in the Aviation (Management) program.
- Where the requirements for the two programs are completed in less than 192 units of credit due to overlapping courses, students may satisfy the remaining units of credit from those offered by the Australian School of Business or the courses listed as electives for the Bachelor of Aviation (Management).
General Education Requirements
Academic Rules
Award with Distinction
Faculty of Science Rules
Related Program(s)
3980 Aviation (Flying)
Area(s) of Specialisation