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 Surveying & Spatial Info Sys - 3741

Program Summary

Campus: Kensington Campus
Career: Undergraduate
Typical Duration: 4 Years
Typical UOC Per Session: 24
Min UOC Per Session: 3
Max UOC Per Session: 27
Min UOC For Award: 192
Bachelor of Engineering (Major)

Program Description

The BE in Surveying and SIS is a four year, full time degree program. This program aims to prepare a graduate for a broad range of career opportunities in the various branches of Surveying and the numerous SIS disciplines. To this end the program covers general scientific and IT principles, as well as specialised Surveying and Spatial Information topics. Specialisation is provided for through the provision of elective courses offered in the third and fourth years of the program.

The degree of BE in Surveying and SIS is recognised by the Board of Surveying and Spatial Information of New South Wales as meeting the requirements for entry as a candidate to become a Registered Surveyor. The degree is also recognised by the Institution of Surveyors, New South Wales, the Spatial Sciences Institute and Engineers Australia, for admission as corporate members.

Surveying and Spatial Information Systems is also available as a component of the combined degree programs

BE (SSIS)/BSc program 3746,program 3746
BE (SSIS)/BA, program 3747,program 3747
BE(SSIS)/BCom, program 3715,program 3715
and as a fast track program
BE(SSIS)/MEngSc, program 3741 plan GMATL13741

For details of all academic requirements for this program, see

Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes

Program Structure

The program structure below gives one sequence of courses that fulfils the requirements of the degree. The timing of the general education courses and elective courses may be modified to optimize the student's choice of courses. Suggestions for other course sequences consistent with timetabling and availability can be found on the School website at While some courses are given twice a year, many courses are given only once a year. In addition, courses may have prerequisites and exclusions. Thus students should plan their enrolments appropriately.

  • The first program structures listed (Years 1 and 2) are under the new flexible structure for students who commenced in 2006 and onwards.
  • The program structures for students who enrolled prior to 2006 (Years 3 and 4) are listed after Year 2.
Year 1 (Flexible)

Choose ONE of:
And ONE of:
And ONE of:
Plus these following 3 courses:
Plus choose two electives from the Year 1 Elective list

Suggested Year 1 elective for this program is:
  1. COMP1911 is an acceptable alternative for ENGG1811
  2. Not all courses are offered in both sessions but students should complete 24 UOC in each session.

Year 2
  • General Education (6 UOC)
For information relating to Years 3 & 4 of the Flexible program structure please refer to the school website

Year 3

The program structure for Years 3 and 4 of the program depends on the electives chosen by students.
  • General Education courses (6 UOC)
  • Session 1 Electives (2 UOC)
  • Session 2 Electives (6 UOC)
Electives: Session 1

Electives: Session 2

Year 4
  • Session 1 Electives (15UOC)
  • Session 2 Electives (12 UOC)

Any remaining Year 3 electives

The following electives 5 HPW, 6UOC courses may be chosen once COMP1911, COMP1921 and MATH1081 have been completed:
and other electives with the approval of the Head of School.

The School has available a list of suggested subject selections for course streams in Cadastral Surveying and Land Development as well as GPS and Geographic Information Systems. Please contact the School Office.

Total HPW Session 1 & 2 depends on electives chosen

Total Units of Credit 48

General Education Requirements


Academic Rules


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:

Industrial Experience Requirements

Field Excursions

Students may have to complete a number of field projects as part of their program and are expected to complete all necessary fieldwork for any course. They must be prepared to pay all the appropriate costs associated with these field projects, and must be in attendance at all scheduled examinations, except in exceptional circumstances.

Professional Recognition

The degree of BE in Surveying and Spatial Information Systems is recognised by the Board of Surveying and Spatial Information of New South Wales as meeting requirements for entry as a candidate to become a Registered Surveyor in New South Wales. The degree is recognised by the Institution of Surveyors, New South Wales, the Spatial Sciences Institute, and the Institution of Engineers Australia (IEAust.) for admission as corporate members.

Students wishing to become Registered Surveyors after graduation are advised to gain practical experience under a Registered Surveyor during their program. Details are obtainable from the Registrar, Board of Surveying and Spatial Information of NSW, P.O. Box 143, Bathurst NSW 2795.

Area(s) of Specialisation

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© The University of New South Wales (CRICOS Provider No.: 00098G), 2004-2011. The information contained in this Handbook is indicative only. While every effort is made to keep this information up-to-date, the University reserves the right to discontinue or vary arrangements, programs and courses at any time without notice and at its discretion. While the University will try to avoid or minimise any inconvenience, changes may also be made to programs, courses and staff after enrolment. The University may also set limits on the number of students in a course.