
Petroleum Engineering - PETRAH3765

Stream Summary

Faculty: ENG - Faculty of Engineering

School: School of Petroleum Engineering

Contact: School

Program: 3765 - Engineering (Honours) / Law


Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Major)

View stream information for previous years

Stream Outline

Petroleum Engineering is a specialised engineering discipline which prepares graduates for careers in the oil and gas industries. Its related operations apply physical, mathematical and engineering principles to identify and solve problems associated with exploration, exploitation, drilling, production and all the related economic and management problems associated with the recovery of hydrocarbons and alternative sources of energy from deep beneath the earth's surface.

Stream Structure

The structure below gives a sequence of courses that fulfils the requirements of the stream. Suggestions for other course sequences consistent with timetabling and availability can be found on the School website. While some courses are given twice a year, many courses are given only once a year. In addition, courses may have prerequisites and exclusions. Thus students should plan their enrolments appropriately and consult with the Director of Undergraduate Studies when assistance is required.

Full time students complete four (24 UOC) courses per semester.

Recommended plans of study can be found here

Year 1

Choose ONE of:
And ONE of:
And ONE of:
Plus these following 3 courses:
(CHEM1011 or CHEM1031 are acceptable alternatives for MATS1011)

Plus choose 2 electives from the Year 1 Elective List

The suggested Year 1 elective for this program is:
Note Students in BE(Hons)/BSc(Computer Science) dual degree should take COMP1521 as one of their first year electives.
Year 2
  • PTRL2020 Petrophysics (6 UOC)
  • PTRL2030 Field Development Geology (6 UOC)

Year 3
  • PTRL3030 Reservoir Characterisation and Geophysics (6 UOC)
  • PTRL3040 Numerical Reservoir Simulation (6 UOC)
  • PTRL3050 Well Testing (6 UOC)

Year 4
Alternative Thesis Option

PTRL4040 Research Thesis A (serves as a substitute for PTRL4010)

PTRL4041 Research Thesis B (serves as a substitute for PTRL4011)

Note School approval is required to undertake the alternate thesis options.

Study Levels

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