Film - MEFTC13420

Plan Summary

Faculty: ARTSC - Faculty of Arts&Social Science
Program: 3420 - Social Science
Bachelor of Social Science (Major)

Plan Outline

The major in Film provides students with a sophisticated understanding of the history and contemporary significance of film as a medium and cinema as an institution. The study of film is set in a broader context of screen cultures and audio-visual industries including television, video and emerging digital media, both in Australia and globally.

Plan Structure

The major consists of no fewer than 42 units of credit and normally involves two years of Upper Level study.

Before proceeding to a major sequence at Upper Level, all students must take at least 6 or 12 units of credit in Level 1 including the core course MEFT1200 - Introduction to Film and/or MEFT1201 - Working with Image and Sound.

Level 1

Upper Level

At Level 2, at least 12 units of credit from:
At Level 3, at least 12 units of credit from:


Honours level study is also available in Film. Students interested in Honours should refer to the Honours plan record for entry requirements or contact the School.