Mining Engineering - MINEAH3961
Stream Summary
Faculty: ENG - Faculty of Engineering
School: School of Mining Engineering
Contact: School
Program: 3961 - Engineering (Honours) / Arts
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Major)
View stream information for previous years
Stream Outline
As part of the overall BE program two General Education courses must also be completed. In keeping with the international career opportunities, students are encouraged to consider a course in a foreign language and culture as a General Education elective.
An important requirement in the fourth year is for students to undertake personal research or a study project in mining or minerals engineering for which they are required to submit a dissertation for examination. After graduation, mining engineers who choose to develop careers in operations management gain further practical experience to obtain a Mine Manager's Certificate of Competency, in either Coal or Metalliferous Mining. Formal arrangements are in place with the University of Newcastle for students who have completed a specified program to be admitted with advanced standing to Year 3 of the program at UNSW. Recognition of students from other institutions or graduates of other disciplines may also be considered for advanced standing to the stream.
Full time students complete four (24 UOC) courses per semester.
Recommended plans of study may be found here
Stream Structure
As the stream structure indicates, a number of course electives are offered each semester in Year 3 and Year 4. This allows the student to specialise in systems of mining either surface or underground or both; in advanced studies of core technical fields; or, opt for a broader professional perspective.
Part of the requirements for MINE4710 Mine Management is completion of 60 days of industrial training and submission of a report on the work undertaken.
Year 1
Choose ONE of:
- MATH1131 Mathematics 1A (6 UOC)
- MATH1141 Higher Mathematics 1A (6 UOC)
- MATH1231 Mathematics 1B (6 UOC)
- MATH1241 Higher Mathematics 1B (6 UOC)
- PHYS1121 Physics 1A (6 UOC)
- PHYS1131 Higher Physics 1A (6 UOC)
- CVEN1300 Engineering Mechanics for CE (6 UOC)
- ENGG1000 Engineering Design (6 UOC)
- ENGG1811 Computing for Engineers (6 UOC)
Suggested Year 1 electives for this stream are (choose 2):
- COMP1911 is an acceptable alternative for ENGG1811
- GEOS3321 is an acceptable alternative for GEOS1111
- Not all courses are offered in both semesters but students should complete 24 UOC in each semester.
- Students in BE(Hons)/BSc(Computer Science) dual degree should take COMP1521 as one of their first year electives.
- MINE3220 Resource Estimation (6 UOC)
- MINE3230 Mine Planning (6 UOC)
- MINE3310 Mining Geomechanics (6 UOC)
- MINE3430 Mining Systems (6 UOC)
- MINE3510 Mine Ventilation (6 UOC)
- MINE3630 Rock Breakage (6 UOC)
- MINE3910 Socio-Envml Aspects of Mining (6 UOC)
All students of the single degree in mining engineering are required to select two electives (12 UOC total) from the following list, in addition to the mining engineering stream requirements listed above, to meet the engineering program requirements:
- MINE3000 Research Elective (6 UOC)
- MINE3440 Surface Mining Systems (6 UOC)
- MINE3450 Underground Mining Systems (6 UOC)
- MINE4320 Advanced Geotechnical Eng (6 UOC)
- MINE4510 Adv Mine Ventilation (6 UOC)
- MINE4610 Mining Asset Mgmt & Services (6 UOC)
- MINE4820 Advanced Minerals Processing (6 UOC)
- MINE4910 Mining in a Global Environment (6 UOC)