Med Micro & Immuno - MICRC13529

Plan Summary

Faculty: SCI - Faculty of Science
Program: 3529 - Commerce/Science
Bachelor of Science (Major)

Plan Outline

This plan is for a MAJOR in Medical Microbiology and Immunology for Science and combined Science programs.

Medical Microbiology and Immunology focuses on the processes of health and disease in relation to interactions between microscopic organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa; and the immune defense system that is present within our bodies. In addition, the study of immune processes is extremely important for advances in modern medicine in areas such as blood transfusion, organ transplantation, treatments of allergic reactions and development of vaccines, and immunity to disease. Medical Microbiology and Immunology is intertwined with the disciplines of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Genetics, which examine molecular and intercellular processes of living organisms and ways that they can be altered to benefit human health and society.

The Microbiology and Immunology Degree Program caters for a diverse array of interests by allowing students to choose from a large selection of specialised courses during stages 2 and 3

Plan Structure

Stage 1
PLUS 6 UOC from:

Stage 2
PLUS Choose 6 UOC from:
either BIOC2101 or BIOC2181 can be taken - not both
either BIOS2021 or BIOS2621 can be taken - not both

Stage 3
A total of 24 UOC, comprising at least 18 UOC from:
either MICR3041 or MICR3641 can be taken - not both

PLUS 0-6 UOC from:
  • PHPH3551
either MICR3021 or MICR3621 can be taken - not both