Biological Science


Biological Science is the study of life and living organisms. It brings together and makes use of many areas of science and encompasses all aspects of plant and animal biology including how they interrelate with each other and interact in and with the environment. The importance of the study of Biological Science cannot be overemphasised in a world where the environments, on which plants and animals depend, are under constant threat.

People with training in the biological sciences work in many areas related to the conservation and understanding of the environment and natural resources. Biologists are employed in industries, companies and government departments involved in areas such as agriculture, animal care, horticulture, land and water conservation, fire management, aquaculture and pollution control. Other roles include policy advisors, journalists, waste managers and environment consultants.

At UNSW, you can choose to specialise in the following areas:
  • Zoology: Zoology is the study of animals. You will learn about the structure, physiology, behaviour, ecology, genetics, evolution, and classification of animals.
  • Botany: The study of plants. You can study the structure, physiology and ecology of plants, and learn to identify the major groups of plant, particularly those in the Australian flora.
  • Marine Biology: The study of Marine Biology includes learning about animals, plants and ecosystems in our oceans and waterways.
  • Evolutionary Biology: Evolutionary Biology aims to understand how plants and animals have evolved and how natural selection continues to act upon organisms.
  • Genetics: Genes control all functions of organisms. This area includes diverse fields such as molecular genetics, human genetics and conservation biology. (Genetics plan and programs partly controlled by Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences.)
  • Ecology: To conserve our natural environment we need to understand Ecology, that is, how animals and plants interact with one another as well as their environment, either on land or in the sea.
Studying Biological Science at UNSW

The study of Biological Science at UNSW is primarily through the School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences ( Biological Science can be studied at UNSW within the Bachelor of Science, the Bachelor of Science (Advanced Science), the Bachelor of Environmental Science and several combined degree programs. Disciplines available for study in Biological Sciences at UNSW include: zoology, oceanography, botany, ecology and environmental science.

Biological Science can be studied in the following Programs 

Program Code & Name At the Level of Stream
3448 Music/Science Honours BIOSBH3448
3449 Music/Science(Advanced) Honours BIOSBH3449
3458 Music / Advanced Science Major BIOSB13458
3529 Commerce/Science Honours BIOSBH3529
3566 Economics / Science (Adv Sc) Major BIOSB13566
3711 Mechanical & Manf Eng/Science Major BIOSB13711
3930 Science/Arts Honours BIOSBH3930
3931 Advanced Science/Arts Major
3936 Adv Science/Social Science Major BIOSB13936
3938 Adv Science/Soc Rsch & Policy Major BIOSB13938
3941 Advanced Science / Engineering Major BIOSB13941
3970 Science Honours BIOSBH3970
3972 Advanced Science Major
3997 Science (Advanced) (Hons)/Law Major BIOSB13997
4770 Science / Law Honours BIOSBH4770

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Biology can be studied in the following Programs 

Program Code & Name At the Level of Stream
3457 Music / Science Major BIOSJ13457
3529 Commerce/Science Major BIOSJ13529
3563 Economics / Science Major BIOSJ13563
3925 Science and Business Major BIOSJ13925
3930 Science/Arts Major BIOSJ13930
3937 Science/Social Rsch & Policy Major BIOSJ13937
3943 Environmental Management/Arts Major BIOSJ13943
3965 Environmental Management Major BIOSJ13965
3970 Science Major BIOSJ13970
3987 Science (International) Major BIOSJ13987
4076 Science/Education (Secondary) Major BIOSJ14076
4500 Science (Honours) Honours BIOSKH4500
4772 Science and Business / Law Major BIOSJ14772

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Botany can be studied in the following Programs 

Program Code & Name At the Level of Stream
3930 Science/Arts Honours BIOSCH3930
3931 Advanced Science/Arts Honours BIOSCH3931
3970 Science Honours BIOSCH3970
3972 Advanced Science Honours BIOSCH3972
4770 Science / Law Honours BIOSCH4770

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Earth Science can be studied in the following Programs 

Program Code & Name At the Level of Stream
3932 Environmental Science/Arts Honours ENVSFH3932

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Ecology can be studied in the following Programs 

Program Code & Name At the Level of Stream
3154 Actuarial Studies / Science Major BIOSG13154
3448 Music/Science Honours BIOSGH3448
3449 Music/Science(Advanced) Honours BIOSGH3449
3457 Music / Science Major BIOSG13457
3458 Music / Advanced Science Major BIOSA13458
3529 Commerce/Science Major
3563 Economics / Science Major BIOSG13563
3566 Economics / Science (Adv Sc) Major BIOSA13566
3658 Renewable Energy/Science Major BIOSG13658
3730 Civil Engineering/Science Major BIOSG13730
3735 Environmental Engineering/Scie Major
3925 Science and Business Major BIOSG13925
3930 Science/Arts Major
3931 Advanced Science/Arts Honours BIOSGH3931
3936 Adv Science/Social Science Major BIOSA13936
3937 Science/Social Rsch & Policy Major BIOSG13937
3938 Adv Science/Soc Rsch & Policy Major BIOSA13938
3941 Advanced Science / Engineering Major BIOSA13941
3943 Environmental Management/Arts Major BIOSG13943
3965 Environmental Management Major BIOSG13965
3970 Science Major
3972 Advanced Science Major
3983 Science/Computer Science Major BIOSG13983
3987 Science (International) Major BIOSG13987
3997 Science (Advanced) (Hons)/Law Major BIOSA13997
4076 Science/Education (Secondary) Major BIOSG14076
4500 Science (Honours) Honours BIOSLH4500
4770 Science / Law Major BIOSG14770
4772 Science and Business / Law Major BIOSG14772

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Env Sc (Biology) can be studied in the following Programs 

Program Code & Name At the Level of Stream
3932 Environmental Science/Arts Honours ENVSAH3932

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Env Sc (Chemistry) can be studied in the following Programs 

Program Code & Name At the Level of Stream
3988 Environmental Science Honours ENVSRH3988

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Env Sc (Marine Biology) can be studied in the following Programs 

Program Code & Name At the Level of Stream
3932 Environmental Science/Arts Honours ENVSBH3932

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Env Sc (Microbiology) can be studied in the following Programs 

Program Code & Name At the Level of Stream
3932 Environmental Science/Arts Honours ENVSCH3932

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Environmental Chemistry can be studied in the following Programs 

Program Code & Name At the Level of Stream
3943 Environmental Management/Arts Major ENVST13943
3965 Environmental Management Major ENVST13965

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Environmental Management can be studied in the following Programs 

Program Code & Name At the Level of Stream
4500 Science (Honours) Honours ENVSUH4500

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Zoology can be studied in the following Programs 

Program Code & Name At the Level of Stream
3930 Science/Arts Honours BIOSEH3930
3931 Advanced Science/Arts Honours BIOSEH3931
3970 Science Honours BIOSEH3970
3972 Advanced Science Honours BIOSEH3972
4770 Science / Law Honours BIOSEH4770

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 Biological Science

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