
Design (Honours) /Media (PR&A) - 4818

Program Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Art & Design


Campus: Paddington

Career: Undergraduate

Typical Duration: 5 Years  

Typical UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC Per Semester: 6

Max UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC For Award: 240

UAC Code: 421101

Domestic Entry Requirements: See Domestic Entry Requirements

International Entry Requirements: See International Entry Requirements


Bachelor of Design (Honours)

Bachelor of Media (Major)

View program information for previous years

Program Description

The dual award Bachelor of Design (Hons) [BDes Hons] Bachelor of Media (PR and Advertising) [UNSW BMedia (PR&A)] is designed to provide students with the combination of foundational and applied skills, knowledge and capabilities in public relations and advertising and the skills and understanding in design. The program aims to develop communication leaders who are also highly skilled in using design methodologies in the production of graphic and other forms of visual communication. Both programs emphasise innovation, creativity, sustainability, and ethical practice.

Design/Media (PR & Advertising) provides graduates with great opportunities to work across a wide range of communication disciplines and fields. Graduates will be particularly well suited to work in advertising, with both an understanding of advertising practice and a strong ability in graphic and other visual communication.

The BDes component provides students with the fundamentals of design and the opportunity to explore their interests in a wide range of design specialisations, including graphic design, media design, film, television production and post-production, illustration, publications, interiors, theatre, exhibitions, display, festivals, furnishings, ceramics, textiles, jewellery and product design.

The BMedia (PR & Advertising) component is structured to offer a philosophical and cultural foundation in the media studies core, conceptual and practical skills in public relations and advertising.

Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes

On successful completion of the BDes component, students will have the ability to:
  • demonstrate a fundamental understanding of design, as a process and way of thinking, and apply that understanding in design problems
  • demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills, and function as innovative, creative and enterprising professionals
  • present complex design proposals in coherent written statements and oral presentations
  • demonstrate understanding of design issues in terms of sustainability and in a local or global context
  • demonstrate understanding of the principles of working collaboratively, and as professionals
The BMedia (PR & Advertising) component aims to develop students’ understanding of professional communication in contemporary Australian and international contexts. In particular, the program aims to provide students with knowledge of and opportunities to engage critically with debates relating to the fields of public relations and advertising. Students will examine the role and responsibilities of persuasive communication in a democratic society and learn how to add value through engagement in social and environmental innovation and enterprise. The program will offer students the opportunity to reflect critically upon how their vocational skills operate within and are mediated by political, economic, mediatized and social discourses and the dynamics of industry, governments, markets, consumer cultures, valuing regimes and society. Modes of professional communication including informative, persuasive, political, creative, promotional, digital and interpersonal discourse will be examined. The program also aims to develop an in-depth understanding of how to ethically engage with publics and communities, creatively engage with communication concepts and production technology, and professionally engage with organisational practices.

The Graduate Attributes for this Program are as follows:
  1. The skills involved in practice-based research
  2. An in-depth engagement with knowledge about public relations and advertising in the context of media studies
  3. The capacity for analytical and critical thinking and for creative-problem solving in the contexts of public relations and advertising
  4. The ability to independently produce effective public relations and advertising texts and to critically reflect on their value and purpose as tools of practice.
  5. The skills to appropriately locate, evaluate and use relevant information to develop content for public relations and advertising
  6. The capacity for enterprise, initiative and creativity
  7. An appreciation of, and respect for, the cultural diversity of media audiences, media forms and media delivery contexts
  8. A capacity to contribute to, and work within, the international community
  9. The skills required to create, discuss and evaluate public relations and advertising texts in collaboration with others
  10. The capacity to keep abreast of changes in the audiences
  11. Platforms, tools and practices of public relations and advertising
  12. A respect for ethical practice and social responsibility
  13. The skills of communicating effectively across a range of contexts and platforms in public relations and advertising professions

Program Structure

The Bachelor of Design (Honours)/Bachelor of Media (PR & Advertising) consists of 144 UOC of Design courses and 96 UOC of Media courses.

Bachelor of Design Component

Compulsory core courses account for 96 UOC:
Design Studio Stream courses account for 48 UOC (8 courses). Students must choose one of the following studios:

Ceramics (24 UOC)
Graphics Media (24 UOC)
Jewellery (24 UOC)
Object Design (24 UOC)
Spatial Design (24 UOC)
Textiles (24 UOC)

Students also complete an additional Design Studio from those above or one of the following Media Arts Studios

DIGMF2 Interactive Media (24 UOC)
DIGME24816 Animation and Special Effects (24 UOC)
DIGMD24816 Digital Media (24 UOC)

B Media (PR & Advertising) Component (96 UOC)
  • Media Core (12 UOC)
  • Prescribed Media Electives (24 UOC)
  • PR and Advertising Core (48 UOC)
  • Prescribed Public Relations and Advertising Electives (12 UOC)

Core Courses

Media Core
PR and Advertising Core

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3

Prescribed Electives


Level 2
Students will complete any two of the following:
Level 3
Students will complete any two of the following:
PR and Advertising
Students will complete two PR & Advertising electives from the list available at Bachelor of Media (PR and Advertising).
Award with Distinction

You are eligible for the award of your Pass Degree "with Distinction" if you achieve a Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of at least 75 in all courses and complete at least 50% of the requirements of your award at UNSW.

Sample Program

UNSW Program 4818 - Design (Honours) / Media (PR & Advertising)
  Semester 1 Semester 2 UOC
Stage 1 ADAD1002 Studio Gateway 2 (6) 48
SDES1001 Design Gateway 1 (6) SDES1002 Design Gateway 2 (6)
ARTS1090 Media, Culture & Everyday Life (6) ARTS1091 Media, Society, Politics (6)
MDIA1002 Media Industry Contexts (6) MDIA1003 Public Relations Principles (6)
Stage 2 Design Stream 1 (6)
Design Stream 1 (6) 48
SAHT1101 Creative Practices: Contexts (6) SAHT1102 Creative Practices: Methods (6)
MDIA2006 Communication Strategies (6) MDIA2005 Advertising (6)
Prescribed Level 2 Media Elective (6) Prescribed Level 2 Media Elective (6)
Stage 3 Design Stream 1 (6)
Design Stream 1 (6)
Design Stream 2 or Media Arts Stream (6) Design Stream 2 or Media Arts Stream (6)
MDIA3000 Public Relations Discourse (6) MDIA3005 Engagement (6)
Prescribed Level 3 Media Elective (6) Prescribed PR & Advertising Elective (6)
Stage 4 SDES2116 Design Practice (6) ADAD3114 Research Foundations in Art and Design (6) 48
Design Stream 2 or Media Arts Stream (6) Design Stream 2 or Media Arts Stream (6)
MDIA3008 Crisis Communication (6) MDIA3003 Media Portfolio (6)
Prescribed Level 3 Media Elective (6) Prescribed PR & Advertising Elective (6)
Stage 5 ADAD4011 Honours Research Project B (18) 48
ADAD4000 Professional Experience Project A (6)
Contextual Studies (6)
Contextual Studies (6)


Honours is awarded on the basis of meritorious performance across the whole program, and performance in the Honours Research Projects.

Students will be considered for the award of honours according to the following scale, which includes the average of the marks from the two Honours Research Project courses and the marks from all courses which contribute to the program.
  • Honours Class 1: If WAM of at least 75.0 and Honours Research Project average of at least 85
  • Honours Class 2 Division 1: WAM of at least 70.0 and Project average of at least 75
  • Honours Class 2 Division 2: WAM of at least 65.0 and Project average of at least 65
  • Honours Class 3: WAM of at least 50.0 and Project average of at least 50
The Honours Research Projects will be independently marked by two markers.

Honours in Bachelor of Media (PR & Advertising)

After completion of 144 UOC including all of the requirements of the Bachelor of Media (PR and Advertising) dual degree, high achieving students may apply for admission to the Bachelor of Media (Honours) program 4510. A minimum WAM of 70 in the Bachelor of Media (PR and Advertising) component of the dual degree is required for entry into Honours.

Bachelor of Media (Honours) program 4510

Academic Rules

To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Media (PR and Advertising) degree Bachelor of Media (PR and Advertising) - 3434 at Pass level, a student must:
  1. Enrol in the Bachelor of Media (PR and Advertising) and complete 96 UOC;
  2. Complete the requirements for the core
  3. Complete the requirements for prescribed electives
  4. Complete at least 30 UOC of Level 1 courses before enrolling in Level 2 courses
  5. Complete at least 48 UOC overall before enrolling in Level 3 courses
The Academic Rules for the BMedia (PR & Advertising) and BDes and the online enrolment facility provide students with a wide range of course choices. The online enrolment facility checks that students meet the enrolment requirements for individual courses but not that a course complies with Program Rules. Students are responsible for ensuring they are enrolling in accordance with the Academic Rules outlined above. Students should not assume that because they have enrolled in a course online that the course is automatically credited to their degree program.


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:  UNSW Fee Website.

Related Program(s)

3434 Media (PR and Advertising)
4809 Design (Honours)

Area(s) of Specialisation