Mechatronic Engineering - MTRNAH3767

Stream Summary

Faculty: ENG - Faculty of Engineering

School: School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Contact: School

Program: 3767 - Engineering (Hons) / Science


Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Major)

Stream Outline

The Mechatronic Engineering stream provides the student with the ability to acquire a hybrid range of skills based on mechanics, electronics and computing. Whilst there is a comprehensive coverage of mechanical engineering and design areas, the stream enables a deeper understanding of the principles supporting the conception, design, construction, maintenance, integration and repair of intelligent machines. Typical examples of these machines are robots, white goods, cameras, automated test equipment and transport vehicles.

Typical fields which may be encompassed by the program include building services, computer controlled plant, manufacturing, robotics and autonomous vehicles. An emphasis is placed on the application of engineering science, development and management in these fields.

Stream Structure

This page outlines the core rules for the Mechatronic Engineering stream when taken as part of a single or dual award. The requirements will total 168 units of credit, in addition to any other requirements outlined on the main program page.

Recommended plans of study can be found on the School website

Year 1

Choose ONE of:
And ONE of:
And ONE of:

Plus these following 2 courses:
And ONE of:

Plus choose 2 electives from the Year 1Elective List
  1. COMP1917 is the preferred computing course for the MTRN Stream.
  2. CVEN1300 is considered equivalent to MMAN1300
  3. Not all courses are offered in both semesters but students should complete 24 UOC in each semester.

The following courses must be taken to complete the Stream:

  • 60 days Industrial Training

Thesis Arrangements
  • 138 UoC of Engineering courses related to this stream and MMAN3000 have to be completed prior to enrolling in MMAN4010 (Thesis A).
  • MMAN4010 and MMAN4020 must be undertaken in two consecutive semesters which are the final two semesters of candidature.
  • A student must not be enrolled in more than 24 units of credit in any semester involving MMAN4010 and MMAN4020.
  • A single thesis project is commenced in MMAN4010 and completed in MMAN4020. MMAN4020 carries the mark for the thesis project.
  • MMAN4010 is graded satisfactory (SY)/failure (FL). If a student receives a failure (FL) in MMAN4010, a student cannot proceed with MMAN4020.
  • If the project is abandoned during MMAN4020, or if MMAN4020 is failed, a completely new topic must be chosen and the student must enrol again in both MMAN4010 and MMAN4020. (For BE/MBiomedE students, read BIOM5001 instead of MMAN4010 and BIOM5003 instead of MMAN4020).