
Media Production - MDIAM14781

Stream Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Law

School: School of the Arts and Media


Program: 4781 - Media / Law


Bachelor of Media (Major)

View stream information for previous years

Stream Outline

This stream covers the core study stream in Media Production for the Bachelor of Media (Media Production)/Law (program 4781).

Stream Structure

The basic requirements for the degree in concurrent mode (96 uoc) are:
  1. A Media core (30 UOC)
  2. Prescribed Media elective (6 UOC)
  3. A Media Production core (42 UOC)
  4. Prescribed Media Production electives (18 UOC)

Core Courses

Media Core

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Media Production Core

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Prescribed Electives


Media Production

Level 1

Level 2 & 3

Study Levels

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