Electrical Engineering - ELECA14776
Stream Summary
Faculty: Faculty of Law
School: School of Elec Eng & Telco
Contact: http://www.ee.unsw.edu.au/
Program: 4776 - Engineering / Law
Bachelor of Engineering (Major)
Information valid for students commencing 2013.
Students who commenced prior to 2013 should go to the Handbook's Previous Editions
Stream Outline
This is a six year full-time combined degree program leading to the award of the two degrees of Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Laws (BE/LLB)
Transferring Engineering Majors (Streams )
Student must nominate an engineering major (stream code) at enrolment. Subsequent transfers to another engineering major may be possible subject to the approval of both Faculties.
Approved Sequence of Study
Students must study engineering courses in a sequence approved by the Faculty of Engineering and law courses in a sequence approved by the Faculty of Law. Approved sequences are given below; other sequences may be approved under special circumstances.
(a)Engineering - from the consolidated course schedule in the Faculty of Engineering:
at most 48 units of credit of Level 1 Engineering courses, and
at least 18 units of credit of Level 4 or higher Engineering courses,
at least 60 days of approved Industrial Training for the BE degree.
92 units of credit of compulsory core courses
52 units of credit of electives
Stream Structure
Semester 1
Choose ONE of:
- MATH1131 Mathematics 1A (6 UOC)
- MATH1141 Higher Mathematics 1A (6 UOC)
- PHYS1121 Physics 1A (6 UOC)
- PHYS1131 Higher Physics 1A (6 UOC)
- ENGG1000 Engineering Design (6 UOC)
- LAWS1052 Foundations of Law (6 UOC)
- MATH1231 Mathematics 1B (6 UOC)
- MATH1241 Higher Mathematics 1B (6 UOC)
- PHYS1221 Physics 1B (6 UOC)
- PHYS1231 Higher Physics 1B (6 UOC)
- COMP1911 Computing 1A (6 UOC)
- ENGG1811 Computing for Engineers (6 UOC)
Plus the following course:
- LAWS1061 Torts (6 UOC)
Semester 1
- ELEC1111 Elec & Telecomm Eng (6 UOC)
- ELEC2134 Circuits and Signals (6 UOC)
- LAWS1071 Contracts 1 (3 UOC)
- LAWS1140 Public Law (3 UOC)
- MATH2069 Mathematics 2A (6 UOC)
- COMP1921 Data Structures and Algorithms (6 UOC)
- ELEC2133 Analogue Electronics (6 UOC)
- LAWS1072 Contracts 2 (6 UOC)
- MATH2099 Mathematics 2B (6 UOC)
Semester 1
- ELEC2141 Digital Circuit Design (6 UOC)
- ELEC3115 Electromagnetic Engineering (6 UOC)
- LAWS1001 Criminal Law 1 (6 UOC)
- Elective (L3) (6UOC)
- ELEC2142 Embedded Systems Design (6 UOC)
- ELEC3117 Electrical Engineering Design (6 UOC)
- LAWS1011 Criminal Law 2 (6 UOC)
- Elective (L3) (6UOC)
Semester 1
- ELEC4120 Thesis - Part A (Elec Eng) (6 UOC)
- LAWS1160 Administrative Law (6 UOC)
- Elective (L3 or L4) (6UOC)
- Elective (L4) (6UOC)
- Elective (L3 or L4) (6UOC)
- Elective (L4) (6UOC)
Semester 1
- LAWS2320 Legal Theory (6 UOC)
- LAWS2820 Law and Social Theory (6 UOC)
- LAWS2150 Federal Constitutional Law (6 UOC)
- LAWS2311 Litigation 1 (6 UOC)
- LAWS2381 Property, Equity & Trusts 1 (6 UOC)
- LAWS2010 Business Associations 1 (6 UOC)
- LAWS2321 Litigation 2 (6 UOC)
- LAWS2382 Property and Equity 2 (6 UOC)
- LAWS2520 Advanced Legal Research (2 UOC)
- Law Elective (4UOC)
Semester 1
- Law Electives (24UOC)
- Law Electives (24UOC)
Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes
Laws: The LLB is not currently available with Honours.
(ii) A student may apply to discontinue the combined BE LLB program and elect to complete the BE degree in accordance with all of the rules governing award of that degree. Following discontinuation of the combined BE LLB program, courses which count toward that program will not in general count toward the single BE single degree unless they meet the single degree requirements in their own right.
(iii) A student will not be eligible to graduate from the LLB until requirements for both the BE and the LLB have been satisfied.
Academic Rules
Bachelor of Laws 4790
Bachelor of Engineering:
The engineering programs may be varied by students according to the rules governing electives, pre- and co-requisites and progression within each program. Subject to pre- and co-requisites and progression rules, students may take courses at any time during the program, it being the responsibility of each student to ensure that the rules governing award of the degrees have been met and that the program of study in each session of enrolment is feasible with regards to progression and timetabling.
General Education Requirements