Physical Science - PHYSK14076

Plan Summary

Faculty: SCI - Faculty of Science
Program: 4076 - Science / Education
Bachelor of Science (Major)

Plan Outline

Physics is the study of the laws of nature that govern the behaviour of the universe, from the smallest sub-atomic particles to the universe itself. It applies these laws to the solution of practical and theoretical problems and to the development of new technologies.

Plan Structure

A major in Physical Science is comprised of 78 units of credit of courses as follows:

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3
18 UOC of level III PHYS courses

Note: Students who wish to take honours in Physics should take 24 UOC of level III PHYS courses which include:


Students who are completing the Bachelor Science (majoring in Physical Science) in concurrent mode with a Bachelor of Engineering will need to substitute some level II courses in the Engineering program. For more information see this document: Mathematics in BE BSc Programs or contact the School of Mathematics and Statistics.


For further information on Honours in Physics, please see the Physics Honours entry in this Handbook.