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Psychology - PSYCA13449

Plan Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Arts&Social Science
Program: 3449 - Music/Science(Advanced)
Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Major)

Plan Outline

Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour. It is a diverse discipline that includes study of the processes of perceiving, learning and memory; the assessment of abilities and attitudes; the origins of personality and emotional states; the nature and effects of social interactions with other people; brain-behaviour relationships; and the causes of abnormal behaviour. Study in the scientific discipline of psychology provides the background necessary for further training in the application of psychology in a variety of professional contexts.

Psychologists work in clinical, correctional, counselling, legal, educational and organisational settings. People with training in psychology also pursue careers in diverse areas including academic and health research; rehabilitation; occupational health and safety; advertising and marketing; and personnel selection, training and management.

The plan for a major of Psychology within the Bachelor of Science (Advanced) program is comprised of 144 UOC of courses as listed below. Students need to ensure that all other program requirements are met as per the 3449 Bachelor of Music / Bachelor of Science (Advanced) program rules such that a total of 240 UOC is completed. Recommended electives include courses from areas such as Anatomy, Biological Science, Mathematics, Physiology, History and Philosophy of Science, and Philosophy.

Registration as a Psychologist
In order to become a member of the professional body, the Australian Psychological Society (APS), and for registration as a psychologist in NSW, students first need a university Bachelor degree which includes four years of approved training in psychology. Psychology in the Advanced Science program provides four years of approved training in Psychology. Students must also follow this by completing an accredited 5th and 6th year academic degree such as one of the Master of Psychology degrees (Clinical, Forensic or Organisational) or a combined Doctor of Philosophy/Master of Psychology degree as offered by this University. An alternative of two years of supervised experience in professional practice may be undertaken for registration as a psychologist in NSW.

English Proficiency
A high proficiency in English is needed to pass Psychology courses.

Plan Structure

Stage 1
  • Level I MATH, CHEM, PHYS, Life Sciences or GEOS courses totalling 12 UOC from two different subject areas.

Stage 2

Stage 3

24 UOC from level three Psychology courses: must include TWO courses from each of the Two elective groups below.

Elective Stream A:
Elective Stream B:
Recommended elective: SCIF3041 Research Internship B

Stage 4 (Honours)
Entry into Honours (Stage IV) requires completion of at least 78 UOC of Psychology Level I, II and III courses and an average of 75% or higher in Psychology Level I, Level II and Level III courses , although students achieving an average of 70 percent or more may be admitted subject to appropriate research and supervision resources being available and at the discretion of the Head of School.

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© The University of New South Wales (CRICOS Provider No.: 00098G), 2004-2011. The information contained in this Handbook is indicative only. While every effort is made to keep this information up-to-date, the University reserves the right to discontinue or vary arrangements, programs and courses at any time without notice and at its discretion. While the University will try to avoid or minimise any inconvenience, changes may also be made to programs, courses and staff after enrolment. The University may also set limits on the number of students in a course.