Management - MGMTAD3543

Plan Summary

Faculty: Australian School of Business
Program: 3543 - Economics
Bachelor of Economics (Double Major)

Plan Outline

Management examines the processes, conceptual expertise and work functions involved in managing people and organisations effectively. Rather than focusing purely on the tasks, roles or functions of managers, the program examines the complex relations between power, people and resources that are the key challenges to effective management. Theories and predictions concerning new organisational forms, future business trends, and more effective management practices are studied in addition to established knowledge in the discipline. The overall objective is to equip future managers to effectively apply knowledge and skill to the complex problems facing organisations in today's dynamic global business environment.

Plan Structure

  • For a double major, 48 UOC (8 courses) must be completed.

Compulsory courses

Elective courses


Honours level study is available for Management students.

Students interested in studying at Honours Level should refer to the relevant Honours plan record for entry requirements.

Further Information

Please note that these requirements may be subject to change.
Students are advised to follow requirements according to the year they commenced. Please refer to previous editions of the Online Handbook for your program requirements.

Contact the Australian School of Business Student Centre for advice.
tel: + 61 2 9385 3189
location: Ground Floor, West Wing, Australian School of Business Building
Forms, policies and procedures
Frequently asked questions