Contemporary Europe: Culture and Crisis - ARTS1782
Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
School: School of Humanities and Languages
Course Outline: School of Humanities & Languages
Campus: Sydney
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 6
EFTSL: 0.12500 (more info)
Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 3
CSS Contribution Charge: 1 (more info)
Tuition Fee: See Tuition Fee Schedule
Further Information: See Class Timetable
Available for General Education: Yes (more info)
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Subject Area: European Studies
Contemporary Europe: Culture and Crisis is a Level 1 core course for students undertaking European studies. It provides you with an introduction to the unprecedented challenges facing contemporary Europe through a cultural lens. The processes of economic and political integration, heralded by the European Union, is under existential threat, and nationalism is on the rise. To its south, Europe is dealing with a refugee crisis brought on by wars in north Africa and the middle east. On its Eastern flank, tensions with Russia are heightened, especially over Ukraine. To the west, British disaffection with perceived loss of sovereignty has led to strong calls for 'Brexit', revealing the political union as a reversible feat. All this is taking place while Europe has been reeling from the global financial crisis, with stringent austerity measures in some countries leading to great social deprivation and political unrest. This has created a resurgent right wing, which blames Europe's ills on immigrant populations, especially the Islamic community. Europe pressingly seeks to reconcile its liberal and secular ideals with the competing demands of nationalism and religious fundamentalism. This course will introduce the social, cultural and political crisis in contemporary Europe by looking at a variety of cultural artefacts, including recent films and literary works.