
Environmental Law and Policy - 5212

This Program is no longer accepting new enrolments

Program Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Law


Campus: Sydney

Career: Postgraduate

Typical Duration: 1 Years  

Typical UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC Per Semester: 6

Max UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC For Award: 48

View program information for previous years

Program Description

This program is not accepting new enrollments. If you are a continuing student please refer to the Online Handbook in the year you started your degree or contact the Faculty of Law for advice.
Graduate Diploma in Environmental Law and Policy (GDELP) provides an inter-disciplinary study program that meets the knowledge requirements of students interested in careers in environmental law, and environmental policy and management.
This novel interdisciplinary environmental program is the only one in Australia to integrate the otherwise separate disciplines of law, policy and management. Students will acquire an understanding, knowledge and analytical skills in relation to the issues, challenges and conduct of environmental law, environmental policy and environmental management, and the areas of interaction between the disciplines. The program provides opportunities for in-depth study in respect of the interrelationship between the environmental legal system, the frameworks and tools of sustainable environmental management, and the complex policy issues presented by the environmental challenges of the 21st century. Not all courses are necessarily available in any one year. The GDELP will not itself lead to a professional qualification for legal practice but will enable a student to acquire expertise in environmental law, sustainable environmental management, and environmental policy.

This program can be articulated with the Masters of Environmental Law and Policy programs (see Articulation Rules).

Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes

Please contact the Faculty of Law for information regarding the Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes.

Program Structure

The GDELP may be taken full time in two semesters or part time in a minimum of three semesters. A total of 48 units of credit (8 courses) are required for the award of the degree of GDELP.
The Graduate Diploma in Environmental Law and Policy (GDELP) is a joint program of UNSW Law and Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies at UNSW of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences. Postgraduate Law and IES courses are taught in a variety of formats during the University's formal academic semesters, including summer. While some are taught for two hours per week over a teaching semester, other classes are arranged more intensively to permit students to focus fully on a research essay.

Academic Rules

Award of the Degree

The degree of Graduate Diploma in Environmental Law and Policy may be awarded by the Council to a candidate who has satisfactorily completed the required program of advanced study.


A candidate for the degree shall have been awarded:
  1. Bachelor or Juris Doctor Degree in any discipline from UNSW Australia or a qualification considered equivalent from another university or tertiary institution with a minimum of a credit average;
  2. a Bachelor or Juris Doctor degree in any discipline from UNSW Australia or a qualification considered equivalent from another university or tertiary institution with a minimum of two years' relevant professional experience.
Advanced Standing

Advanced standing for previous learning may be granted for up to 12 UOC for postgraduate courses completed at UNSW Australia or a recognised equivalent university within 5 years from the commencement of the program. In accordance with the current advanced standing guidelines of the primary administering faculty (i.e. UNSW Law), “double dipping” will not be permitted, which means that if students have used postgraduate courses to satisfy degree requirements for a previously awarded degree, the units of credit for those courses cannot be used towards this postgraduate degree. Notwithstanding that rule, if any compulsory courses (recognised as being equivalent at UNSW) have already been credited towards the previous degree, applicants will not be required to repeat those courses, but will be required to make up the equivalent number of units of credit by completing additional electives. Advanced Standing will only be granted for graded courses completed at Credit level (65%) or above.

Enrolment and Progression
  1. An application to enrol as a candidate for the degree shall be lodged online on the UNSW website, by the advertised due date.
  2. A candidate for the degree shall be required to undertake such formal courses and pass such assessment as is prescribed.
  3. No candidate shall be awarded the degree until the lapse of two academic semesters from the date of enrolment in the case of a full-time candidate or three semesters in the case of a part-time candidate. The maximum period of candidature shall be three academic semesters from the date of enrolment for a full-time candidate and six semesters for a part-time candidate. In special cases an extension of these times may be granted by the Program Director/s and the Coordinator of Postgraduate Education.
Articulation rules

Students who successfully complete the requirements for this program with a credit average, may apply for articulation into the Master of Environmental Law and Policy and receive full credit for all courses completed. Students with a WAM between 60 and 65 will be considered for articulation into the Master of Environmental Law and Polilcy at the discretion of the program authority.


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:  UNSW Fee Website.

Course List

A total of 48 units of credit (8 courses) is required for the GDELP. The following core and elective disciplinary and advanced disciplinary courses are available for credit towards the degree.
The program consists of five (5) core courses and three (3) prescribed elective courses. The requirements/study pattern for completing core and elective disciplinary and advanced disciplinary subjects in the program may vary depending on an individual student's recognized prior learning (discussed below).

Core Subjects

Students must satisfactorily complete 30 UOC (5 subjects) of the following core subjects:

Environmental Law courses

Core Disciplinary (taken during the first semester of Year 1)
Students who have completed a Bachelor of Laws with a minimum of a credit average may be eligible to be exempt from completing LAWS8167 and may be given permission to undertake another Environmental Law Courses in lieu of this. These requests can only be approved by the Program Director. Please contact Law Student Services for more information on

Core Advanced Disciplinary: Environmental Law (taken during Year 1)
Environmental Studies Courses

Core Advanced Disciplinary: Environmental Studies (taken during Year 1)
Note: IEST5001 is normally to be taken at the start of the program.

Prescribed Electives

Environmental Studies courses

Students must complete at least 6 UOC (1 course) from the following list of disciplinary courses:
These courses will be taken in year 1. Particular courses may be recommended from this list to students following discussions with the program coordinator of an individual students academic qualifications and experience.

Students may also complete 6UOC (1 course) from the following list:
Environmental Law courses

Students must complete 6 UOC (1 course) from the following courses
Not all courses will be offered in every year. New courses may be added to the following list from time to time.


The Enrolment Guide for the Graduate Diploma in Environmental Law and Policy (MELP) can be found on the Enrolment UNSW Law website.

Area(s) of Specialisation