
Engineering Science - 5341

Program Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering


Campus: Sydney

Career: Postgraduate

Typical Duration: 1 Years  

Typical UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC Per Semester: 6

Max UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC For Award: 48

View program information for previous years

Program Description


The Graduate Diploma of Engineering Science program is designed for engineers and graduates wishing to develop and expand their knowledge and skills in their current area of expertise.* This will enable students to meet or maintain professional accreditation standards and to provide opportunities for continuing professional development, as well as the opportunity to interact with those at the cutting edge of their discipline.

Students will add breadth to their knowledge of engineering in general and expand their knowledge and skills in engineering management. Students will develop their technical knowledge and ability to analyse engineering problems. They will also gain further skills in solving engineering problems and justifying professional decisions.

(* It is also possible for students to acquire knowledge and skills in a different specialisation at the approval of the Stream Authority. This may require the student to take additional foundation and disciplinary knowledge courses at the discretion of the Stream Authority.)

Entry requirements

In order to be admitted to the program a student would be expected to hold a Bachelor of Engineering with at least Honours II/2 (or equivalent) in a relevant discipline or hold a Graduate Certificate of Engineering with at least a credit average or an equivalent qualification from a recognised university or tertiary institution.

Those without such a qualification are required to argue their prior learning is equivalent to this qualification. For example, a 3- or 4-year Bachelor of Engineering or Science combined with relevant discipline experience (exact positions and roles that will be considered relevant to be decided by each specialisation) may be recognised.

Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes

The program is designed to enable students to fulfil a number of needs including:
  • Updating technical knowledge and skills in an existing engineering specialisation.
  • Acquiring new knowledge and skills in a different engineering specialisation.
  • Developing and expanding knowledge and skills in engineering management.
  • Updating qualifications and knowledge to meet or maintain professional accreditation standards.
  • Providing opportunities for continuing professional development.
  • Providing opportunities for interaction with those at the cutting edge of the discipline.
  • Providing a pathway towards the Masters program.

Disciplinary Knowledge and practices
  • Graduates will develop theory-based knowledge and techniques within their chosen specialisation.
  • Graduates will broaden their knowledge of engineering, including engineering management.
  • Graduates will be able to proficiently apply engineering methods to complex engineering problem solving.

Cognitive skills and critical thinking
  • Graduates will develop their ability to define, investigate and analyse engineering problems and develop creative and innovative solutions to these problems.

Communication, adaptive and interactional skills
  • Graduates will demonstrate professional-level skills in presenting information and justifying decisions to other professionals, clients, stakeholders and the broader community.
  • Graduates will demonstrate creative and ethical approaches to practice.
  • Graduates will develop their ability to work as team members and leaders.

Global outlook
  • Students will develop an appreciation of the issues associated with international engineering practice and global operating contexts.

Program Structure

Students must complete 48UOC of courses to be eligible for the degree. This degree is offered in the following specialisations (streams):
Specialisations may be broad or narrow, and include options that cross the traditional disciplinary boundaries in the Faculty. Some specialisations include approved courses outside the Faculty of Engineering. A number of specialisation courses may be offered in both internal and external attendance modes and may be delivered in regular sessions, block or intensive modes on or off campus.

At the discretion of the Program or Stream Authority, students may be required to develop their foundational disciplinary knowledge through enrolment in undergraduate level courses that are deemed appropriate by the Authority. Students will be granted credit towards the program for the satisfactory completion of these courses up to a maximum of 12UOC.

Advanced Standing

A student may apply for credit towards the program. For example, a student with a 4-year engineering honours degree could obtain a maximum of 24UOC of advanced standing. Applications for credit should be addressed to the Stream Authority (see relevant school site for further details).

Academic Rules

General Rules of Progression

Progression in all postgraduate coursework programs in the Faculty of Engineering is permitted by course. However:

(a) Not all courses are available every session and some courses may only be available in alternate years. Students should check the approved list of courses for their specialisation and the Engineering and Technical Management specialisation for further details. Students will need to select courses carefully to ensure they can complete their program in minimum time. Students are not permitted to enrol in courses with clashing timetables.

(b) Students must satisfy the rules governing re-enrolment. A student's academic standing is evaluated at the end of each session. Any student not in Good Standing should discuss the situation with the Academic Adviser in the relevant school, and may be required to talk to a counsellor in the Careers and Counselling Unit. The full description of the University policy governing enrolment and academic standing can be found at Academic Standing

(c) Students must satisfy the relevant pre-requisite and co-requisite requirements for each course.

(d) Only in exceptional circumstances will students be permitted to enrol in more than 24 units of credit in a session. The part-time mode will usually require students to enrol in a minimum of 18 UOC within any three consecutive sessions.

(e) Students are only permitted to enrol in courses that satisfy the program requirements as specified in the On-Line Handbook for the program in which they are enrolled. Enrolment in any other course is permitted only on a Non-Award basis, that is, on a tuition fee basis.

(f) Notwithstanding the above, before a student can enrol in any non-standard program, such a program must meet with the approval of the relevant program authority as shown in the program rules.


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:

Transfer Between Programs

The courses in each specialisation form an articulated sequence. Students who complete the Graduate Diploma program may upgrade to the Masters program with full credit for the courses undertaken, provided they have completed the previous program at UNSW. A credit average (65) is generally required to articulate to the next level in the sequence. Students who have enrolled in the Graduate Diploma will be permitted to exit with a lower qualification in the specialisation sequence providing they have completed the requirements of that program. Subject to the approval of the program authority and available places, students will be permitted to transfer to another specialisation with credit transfer being subject to the requirements of the specialisation into which the student is transferring.

Computing Requirements

All software required for coursework is provided on the computers in the School computer laboratories. Some students find it advantageous to buy their own computer and software so that they can work at home. Some external courses may require students to own their own computer with Microsoft Office or equivalent. Specialist software packages that are required for external courses will be provided as part of the course pack to students.

Field Excursions and Site Visits

Field projects, site visits and industry seminars or lectures are a requirement of some courses and may involve additional expense.

Part-time Study

All programs are available on a full-time or part-time basis. The part-time mode will usually require students to enrol in a minimum of 18 UOC over three consecutive sessions.

Area(s) of Specialisation