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 Project Management - CVENQS8539

Plan Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
Program: 8539 - Engineering Science (Ext)
Master of Engineering Science (Extension) (Specialisation)

Plan Outline

The specialisation Project Management provides education in key areas of project management for engineers working in a range of organisations and at various levels of responsibilities.

Plan Structure

Professional Development Courses:
A selection of professional development courses appropriate to the student's specialisation will be determined by the specialisation authority.

Specialisation Courses
  • CVEN9710 Management of Risk (6UOC)
  • CVEN9720 Problem Solving and Decision Making (6UOC)

Project Courses:
  • CVEN9940 Extension Project (24UOC)
Students may take CVEN9901, CVEN9930 or CVEN9940 depending on the program they are enrolled in, their performance in courses and the approval of the specialisation authority.

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