Mining Industry Research Project 1 - MINE8440
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering
School: School of Mining Engineering
Course Outline: School
Campus: Sydney
Career: Postgraduate
Units of Credit: 6
EFTSL: 0.12500 (more info)
Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 0
CSS Contribution Charge: 2 (more info)
Tuition Fee: See Tuition Fee Schedule
Further Information: See Class Timetable
View course information for previous years.
This course is intended to develop the capability and requisite skills of an engineer to build a foundation of knowledge related to a particular problem in mining engineering. The research should link closely with industry partners or applied research that will be of benefit to industry. This research foundation provides a basis on which to design a solution that is robust and safe, cost effective and appropriate to the end-user.
It is essential that this foundation reflects not only established thinking and practices but equally important, it should account for divergent and newly developing views as well as any limitations or weaknesses that underpin current understanding. The quality of the engineering solution is therefore a function of the quality and timing to complete this investigation; an investigation that forms part of a process known as research.
The research scope of MINE8440 is to significantly extend any previous industry research that has been undertaken by the student and/or others including one or more of the following categories: site or laboratory testing; related numerical modelling; comprehensive cost-benefit or geostatistical analysis; extension of constitutive theory.
On completion of this course, a student should be capable of preparing:
- a research proposal that accounts for the current understanding of issues pertinent to a defined topic; objectives of the proposal research project and the tasks, activities and resources necessary to achieve that objective
- a critical review of literature encompassing a critique of the current state of knowledge as well as information on other related issues; and
- a research thesis including new, original data and analysis and detailed interpretation and recommendations for implementation and further research to address any limitations and uncertainty that is identified
Note: Permission to enrol in this course requires written evidence of industry support and/or agreement of an academic supervisor in the School. Industry support is essential for research projects that are to be extended for Masters programs that require MINE8455 and/or MINE8690, and is highly recommended for Graduate Diploma programs. Industry support is to include in-kind contributions from industry staff, access to relevant site data and/or samples and/or resources to support applied research. Industry agreement to publish results of the research is required, or an agreement to publish aggregated results that do not identify specific mine sites or confidential information. Alternatively, academic supervisors offer research projects as part of applied research programs.