
Foundations Enrichment 1 - JURD7113

Faculty: Faculty of Law

School: Faculty of Law

Course Outline: See below

Campus: Sydney

Career: Postgraduate

Units of Credit: 3

EFTSL: 0.06250 (more info)

Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 2

Excluded: LAWS1213

CSS Contribution Charge: 3 (more info)

Tuition Fee: See Tuition Fee Schedule

Further Information: See Class Timetable

View course information for previous years.


Foundations Enrichment 1 (FE 1) builds on and extends the Indigenous Pre-Law Program. It involves small group tutoring to develop problem solving, comprehension and legal writing skills. It also seeks to develop critical and analytical skills. FE 1 provides targeted academic support, closely tied to the first year program and related assessment. Completion of FE 1 provides students with 3 Units of Credit (UOC). To successfully complete FE 1, students must attend class subject to the 80% attendance rule, participate in class discussion, prepare and complete in-class activities and submit drafts of their JURD7152– Introducing Law and Justice assignments.

Course Objectives

  • To provide academic support to students taking JURD7152 – Introducing Law and Justice.
  • To encourage and develop critical thinking.
  • To develop legal research skills.
  • To develop oral and written communication skills.
  • To develop legal problem-solving skills.
  • To challenge participants to consider the interaction between law and society.

Main Topics

As this course is designed to complement JURD7152 – Introducing Law and Justice, there is no fixed schedule of topics to be covered. This course is an example of an emergent curriculum where students and lecturer can chart the topics to be navigated to ensure that they address the ongoing needs of students in a timely manner. Topics generally covered include adjusting to the demands of studying law, strategies for reading cases and legislation, developing legal problem-solving skills, developing legal writing skills and understanding expectations of assessment in law.


This course is assessed on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Course requirements complement the work done in JURD7152 - Introducing Law and Justice. Therefore, the focus is on developing students’ skills in a range of legal writing types. To this end, a student’s work is primarily assessed by submission of drafts of JURD7152 – Introducing Law and Justice assignments. As well as satisfying the attendance requirement, a student must participate satisfactorily in class activities.
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