
Insurance Law - LAWS8080

Faculty: Faculty of Law

School: Faculty of Law

Course Outline: See below

Campus: Sydney

Career: Postgraduate

Units of Credit: 6

EFTSL: 0.12500 (more info)

Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 2

Enrolment Requirements:

Prerequisite: Academic Program must be either 9200, 9210, 5740 or 9230

Excluded: JURD7380

CSS Contribution Charge: 3 (more info)

Tuition Fee: See Tuition Fee Schedule

Further Information: See Class Timetable

View course information for previous years.


This course provides an advanced analysis of law and policy covering general insurance. An understanding of insurance law is important to anyone who negotiates commerical contracts as well as those involved in insurance matters. This course studies the mix of case law and statutory regulation (including codes) that makes up contemporary insurance law. Please note that this course does not cover life insurance or health insurance.

LLM Specialisations

Recommended Prior Knowledge


Course Objectives

A candidate who has successfully completed this course should be able to:
  • Understand the role of insurance
  • Understand the law as it relates to the formation and content of insurance contracts
  • Have a critical familiarity with the issues that arise in disputes under insurance contracts
  • Understand the regulation of general insurance and in particular the differing roles of APRA and ASIC

Main Topics

  • Key insurance concepts
  • Insurance in risk management
  • Insurance contract - contract formation and conditions
  • Non-disclosure and misrepresentation
  • Insurance contract - exclusions
  • Remedies under s54 Insurance Contracts Act
  • Directors and officers liability insurance
  • Commercial property and industrial special risks insurance
  • Reinsurance
  • Regulation structure
  • Preudential regulation
  • Financial services licensing


Class participation Preparation and engagement in class and one short presentation to class 15%
Essay synopsis 1,000 words 15%
Research essay  5,000 words 70%

Course Texts

There are course readings that can be purchased from the UNSW Bookshop.

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Please refer to course outline.

Basser Steps

Study Levels

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