Tax Policy - ATAX0401 |
Description No tax decision, from the highest tax policy design issue to the most mundane and technical problem of tax accounting, is made in a tax policy vacuum. This course is designed to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to enable the evaluation of government tax policies. An intensive 'hands on' approach is adopted to the development of techniques for practical, policy driven, tax problem solving. Economic issues are given prominence complemented with attention to political, institutional and administrative constraints on the development of tax policy. The skills learnt will enable you to move comfortably from consideration of broad strategic tax policy problems to evaluating tax policy decisions at the practical level.
Recommended Prior Knowledge
Completion of minimum 24 Units of Credit
Course Objectives The objective of this course is to give a grounding in the tools of tax policy analysis. It is essentially an applied tax policy course which concentrates on developing tools capable of day-to-day application in critically evaluating and solving typical tax problems. It gives students the opportunity to evaluate critically the utility of various policy tools in the resolution of tax problems.
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Modes of Delivery CBD Evening Class
WebCT Flexible Learning Assessment Master of Taxation, Master of International Tax, Master of Applied Taxation
Pass Requirements