Specific Tax Jurisdictions: Europe - ATAX0334 |
Description This course involves a detailed study of the domestic taxation laws of a selected country in Europe (or of the EU itself) and is taught with the assistance of a person expert in the taxation laws of that jurisdiction. Particular attention will be paid to the domestic taxation laws of the selected jurisdiction from the perspective of an international investor and comparisons of those rules with international norms or the rules of other commercially important jurisdictions will be made. Students in this course will develop an understanding of where the chosen jurisdiction fits into the scheme of world tax systems and the expectations of the OECD and its member states. The specific jurisdiction to be covered in a particular year of offering should be ascertained by consulting the program convenor.
Course Objectives Students in this course will develop an understanding of where the chosen jurisdicitions fit into the scheme of world tax systems and the expectations of the OECD and its member states.
For information on course modules and learning outcomes click here.
Modes of Delivery Intensive
Assessment Graduate Diploma in Advanced Taxation
Pass Requirements