Faculty Rules
- The maximum limit for cross-institutional study is 12 units of credit.
- Cross-institutional study can only be undertaken in a student's final year or final semester of study.
- The discipline (specialisation) is appropriate to a student's program.
- The course content is not taught at UNSW; or
- a student is unable to enrol in UNSW course for good reason, for example, failed a UNSW core course which might impact on a student's progression in their program.
- Capstone courses must be completed at UNSW and cannot be substituted for a cross-institutional course.
- Credit for study will not be granted if the cross-institutional study was not approved prior to the study.
Advanced standing will not be granted for courses completed more than 10 years previously. Students seeking advanced standing for courses completed elsewhere must submit documentary evidence and specify the courses they wish to complete within the Faculty. Faculty will then determine the number of units of credit to be granted.
From 2009 a student who has been granted advanced standing for courses in their major or minor sequence is required to complete the following at UNSW:
Major sequence - 18 units of credit, including the capstone course, if applicable
Minor sequence - 12 units of credit
A student enrolled in the combined Arts/Law program who does not wish to proceed to the combined degree BA LLB may apply to transfer to the BA degree with credit for Arts related courses and General Education courses.
Limitations on Exchange Program
All students must spend their final semester on campus in order to re-engage with the university.
The Bachelor of Arts capstone course is unique to the degree and cannot be substituted.
Arts & Social Sciences Prescribed Elective