Faculty Information and Assistance
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Who Can Help?
Enquiries about degree requirements, enrolment, progression within programs, program transfers or any other student matters should be directed to the staff in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Student Centre, G1, Morven Brown Building, Telephone: (02) 9385 2289, Fax: (02) 9385 1492, Email: arts@unsw.edu.au
The Faculty Student Centre is open from 9.00 am - 4.00 pm Monday to Friday.
Enquiries about course content and class locations should be directed to school offices.
Faculty Student Advisor
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences has a Student Advisor who is available to assist students with more complex student matters. Some of the areas the Student Advisor is responsible for include academic standing, internal program transfer, exchange and study abroad approvals, and scholarships and prizes.
The Faculty Student Advisor, Michael Bowen, is available for individual consultations by appointment. Email: m.bowen@unsw.edu.au or Ph: (02) 9385 3995. The Faculty Student Advisor office is located in room G69, Morven Brown Building.
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences maintains its own web server at www.arts.unsw.edu.au which provides information about the schools and programs in the Faculty to all prospective and current students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
HUMS2000 offers selected second and third year Arts and Social Sciences students an internship experience in a range of organisations outside UNSW. May be taken at the end of a first year of study in a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Social Science or other degree within the Faculty of Arts and Social Science. Interns have worked in Government, private and community organisations in areas including: aid, human resources, entertainment, law, health, fashion, media, hospitality, travel, and publishing. Students have used their skills to organise events, contribute to policy research, produce radio shows, lobby government, develop and conduct surveys, use their language skills, write media releases, and design websites. This practical work-place experience is accompanied by a reading program. The reading component examines different approaches to the study of organisations, their structures, functions and policies, and links these issues to the internship experience. The internship component provides work experience in a host organisation for a minimum of one day a week throughout one session or an equivalent block of time. The internship may be undertaken at any time during the year but is subject to the availability of a suitable host organisation. The course may be included as part of a major sequence with the prior permission of the relevant Head of School. For more information, contact Zarni Jaugietis, telephone (02) 9385 1443, email zarni@unsw.edu.au
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences provides general purpose Macintosh computer laboratories in the Morven Brown and Mathews buildings. Special purpose laboratories are located in the Robert Webster Building. Self-access to the general purpose laboratories is available 24 hours 7 days per week. Printing charges apply. Access to email and the Internet is available. Further information can be obtained from the Technical Resources Centre, Room 105, Morven Brown Building.
General Education Requirements
The University’s basic requirements are the same for students in all single degree programs. Students must satisfactorily complete 12 units of credit in General Education courses or their equivalent. Students in an Arts Faculty program that is combined with a program from another Faculty are not required to complete the General Education Program.
Effective from Semester 2, 2008: to meet their 12 units of credit General Education requirement, students may take up to 12 units of General Education, or courses substituted for General Education, from one or more faculties, other than the faculty that is the authority for the program in which the student is enrolled. Students in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences programs can no longer enrol in General Education courses taught by the Faculty (those with a GENT code) and have them credited to their General Education Program. Students who completed a GENT course prior to Semester 2, 2008 will still be credited with 3 units of credit towards their General Education requirements.
Effective from Semester 2, 2008: to meet their 12 units of credit General Education requirement, students may take up to 12 units of General Education, or courses substituted for General Education, from one or more faculties, other than the faculty that is the authority for the program in which the student is enrolled. Students in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences programs can no longer enrol in General Education courses taught by the Faculty (those with a GENT code) and have them credited to their General Education Program. Students who completed a GENT course prior to Semester 2, 2008 will still be credited with 3 units of credit towards their General Education requirements.
All students of the Faculty are required to re-enrol via the web, apart from those who intend to enrol in an Honours program. Please contact the school offices in November for details.
The Academic Rules for the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Undergraduate programs and the online enrolment facility provide students with a wide range of course choices. The online enrolment facility checks that students meet the enrolment requirements for individual courses but not that a course complies with Program Rules. Students are responsible for ensuring they are enrolling in accordance with the Academic Rules outlined above. Students should not assume that because they have enrolled in a course online that the course is automatically credited to their degree program.
Students are also expected to refer to the University A-Z Student Guide for important information. The A-Z Student Guide can be found at: https://my.unsw.edu.au/student/atoz/A.html
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