Faculty Information and Assistance | |||||||
Advanced Standing
The policy of the School of Law is to grant credit (up to a maximum of 48 units of credit) for courses which have been successfully completed in a Bachelor degree program in another School of Law where those courses, in the opinion of the School, are equivalent in content and depth to comparable courses at UNSW. Advanced standing for compulsory courses will not be granted for courses completed more than 10 years previously. Applicants who have completed a full law degree in another country are normally granted credit equivalent to one third of the UNSW degree. All matters regarding credit are at the discretion of the School.
The School of Law manages 2 multimedia computer laboratories equipped with around 30 computers each. A third lab comprising 20 computers is set aside for the exclusive use of postgraduate students. For printing, smart-card controlled laser printers are available to all Law students. Postgraduate research students receive their own dedicated workstations, equipped with multimedia computers and printing facilities.
All students have access to a range of research tools from the computer desktops including email, www, national and international legal databases and library catalogues. For more information, please refer to www.law.unsw.edu.au/Current_Students/it/index.asp Descriptions of courses offered can be found in the Online Handbook at legacy.handbook.unsw.edu.au
Continuing Students
Continuing students should follow the enrolment information guidelines published at www.law.unsw.edu.au/current_students/enrolment/index.asp New Students New students are informed of enrolment procedures at the time of offer. Full-time Status The majority of Law programs are full-time and require attendance at classes four days per week. Students are reminded that a full-time program is intended for students who devote the principal part of their available time to their program. Any additional commitment, in the form of paid work, training for sport at a significant level of achievement or voluntary work in community organisations, is bound to have an effect on a student's work. Past experience shows that additional commitments beyond 10–15 hours per week almost invariably have an adverse effect on student performance and in some cases have led directly to failure. Students are strongly advised that, if an outside commitment of this order is likely to be maintained consistently over a semester, the commitment should be discussed in advance with the Co-ordinator of Undergraduate Education. It should be noted, however, that it is the individual teachers who determine whether outside commitments should constitute grounds for consideration in meeting the requirements of particular courses. This determination can only be considered when an application for special consideration is made to the university. General Education Requirements Law students enrolled in the Bachelor of Jurisprudence/Bachelor of Laws program must complete General Education requirements. They are not permitted to enrol in GENL courses offered by the School of Law. All other law students are deemed to have satisfied the General Education requirement. For detailed information about General Education courses, please see the General Education page.
Guidelines for Maximum Workload The sequence of study for each program is set out under the individual Program entries in this Online Handbook.
Any student wishing to vary their program (law or non-law) by enrolling in a reduced program or in courses which do not conform to the normal sequence, must seek approval from the Co-ordinator of Undergraduate Education. Undergraduate students wishing to overload must submit an 'Overload Request' form at the Student Services Office. Permission can only be given on the basis of a written application in advance of the relevant semester. The School of Law uses a range of assessment methods to assess students. These vary from course to course and include formal examinations, takehome examinations, in-class tests, research projects, class participation, essays and moots (mock trials).
Progression in programs is generally dependent on the successful completion of prerequisites and corequisites for courses as listed in the schedules of courses for each program. Students are required to have completed 84 units of credit of core Law courses before enrolling in any elective course. Where the academic record of a student is not of a satisfactory standard, the Co-ordinator of Undergraduate Education may recommend a restricted program. This applies to all undergraduate programs offered by the Faculty. Cross-Institutional Studies and Exchange Programs Students enrolled at UNSW may be permitted to undertake some studies at overseas (exchange) or interstate institutions (cross-institutional studies) provided that they are equivalent in content and depth to comparable courses at UNSW.
Courses which have been successfully completed at another law school (where they are offered as part of an LLB program either in Australia or overseas) may be credited to the student's degree up to a maximum of 48 UOC. The School participates in several overseas exchange programs, and encourages students to take advantage of these. Information regarding these programs can be obtained from the International Exchange Office. Students should discuss their plans for cross-institutional studies with the appropriate student advisor in order to determine both their eligibility to undertake such studies and the 'creditability' of the courses under consideration.
In addition to full-time teaching staff in the School of Law, each year there are a small number of distinguished members of the legal profession in NSW who work in close association with full-time academic staff. They participate in all aspects of the presentation of programs covered by their professional specialisation.
Each year in October a certain number of students are elected to membership of the Faculty for the following year. All students enrolled in the Faculty are eligible to stand for election and to vote. Student Members attend School meetings and sit on various Faculty and School Committees.
The UNSW Law Society is the peak representative body for all students in the Faculty of Law. It represents the University at the Australian Law Students' Association and is considered to be one of the largest and most respected student-run law organizations in the region. Its key objectives are to maintain strong relationships between the student body and the Law Faculty, legal profession and community.
The Law Society Executives are elected annually. The body consists of a Managing Executive and various Committees led by two Co-Presidents (male and female).The responsibilities of the Law Society fall into four main portfolios:
Membership in the Law Society is automatic for all students enrolled in the combined law and Juris Doctor programs.
Law Society contact details - Room 305, website: www.unswlawsoc.org Home | A Message from the Dean
School of Law - Faculty Information and Assistance | Summary of Programs Australian School of Taxation - Faculty Information and Assistance | Summary of Programs |