Faculty Information and Assistance |
For Postgraduate StudentsFaculty Website | Admission | Faculty Computing Facilities | University A-Z Student Guide | Re-enrolment Procedures
Faculty WebsiteThe Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences maintains its own web server at www.arts.unsw.edu.au which provides information to prospective students as well as course information for current students.
AdmissionApplicants for admission to all postgraduate programs can apply directly to the University using the UNSW Apply Online service: https://apply.unsw.edu.au
Faculty Computing FacilitiesThe Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences provides general purpose Macintosh computer laboratories in the Morven Brown and Mathews buildings. Special purpose laboratories are located in the Robert Webster Building. Self-access to the general purpose laboratories is available, outside class hours, 24 hours 7 days per week. Printing charges apply. Access to email and the Internet is available. Further information can be obtained from the Technical Resources Centre, Room 105, Morven Brown Building.
University A-Z Student GuideStudents are also expected to refer to the University A-Z Student Guide for important information. The A-Z Student Guide can be found at: https://my.unsw.edu.au/student/atoz/A.html
Re-enrolment ProceduresAll re-enrolling postgraduate coursework students are expected to re-enrol via the web. Please check MyUNSW in November for details.
Re-enrolling research students should contact the Graduate Research School in Rupert Myers Building. Postgraduate InformationHome | A Message from the Dean | Faculty Information and Assistance