The University of New South Wales

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General Handbook

Table A: Major Plans

New Students

When you have decided which major(s) you want to study, you should enrol in the courses listed for Stage 1. In some majors there is only a small number of specified Stage 1 courses and you should choose additional courses to enrol in, such that you have a full program (24 units of credit per session). These additional courses (electives) may come from any available Level 1 courses from the subject areas within Table A or Table B.

Students who are unsure which major to choose may enrol in an 'undeclared plan'. The purpose of an undeclared plan is to cover a combination of Level I courses to enable a student to enter a variety of majors. Student are advised to choose a major before commencing Stage 2.

Continuing Students

Students who have completed Stage 1 should select specified courses listed for their major(s) in Stage 2 and Stage 3. Note that these are the minimum course requirements for majors and students may take additional courses in the same area provided they also complete a minor and General Education requirements.


1. Some of the courses listed in the late stages of a major may have prerequisites in an earlier stage or corequisites to be taken at the same time. It is important to check the course descriptions found in the rear of this Handbook for details.

2. Courses listed for Stage 1 are recommended courses. It is important to note that mant of these courses may be required as prerequisites for courses required for later stages.

3. Mathematics Courses:

(a) Many courses in Mathematics are offered at two levels. The higher level courses cater for students with greater mathematical ability and/or a higher level or prior knowledge. Courses listed in Table A are all at the ordinary level. Students with suitable qualifications are encouraged to enrol in the corresponding higher level courses. In cases where there is a higher course, students should note that the proportion of Distinction and High Distinction grades is lower in the corresponding ordinary level course.

(b) MATH2060 may be omitted from the Mathematics major if the professional education requirement is being met in the other discipline of a double major or double degree.

(c) Students majoring in Mathematics are strongly recommended to take MATH2301 or an equivalent course in practical numerical computing.

4. Chemistry at Level I is offered at two levels. The higher level courses cater for students with greater chemical ability and/or a higher level of prior knowledge. Students with the required background are strongly encouraged to enrol in the higher level courses (CHEM1031 Higher Chemistry 1C and CHEM1041 Higher Chemistry 1D)

5. Students are advised that Mathematics or Physics courses totalling 6 units of credit are recommended for all programs.

6. BIOC2181 and BIOC2291 may be substituted for BIOC2101 and BIOC2201 respectively (but only with the permission of the Head of School). A minimum grade of Credit (65%) in BIOC2181 and BIOC2291 will normally be required for entry into Level III Biochemistry courses.

7. Students wishing to do Honours will need to consult with the appropriate school at the end of Stage 2 of their program.

8. Level III Psychology electives must include one course from at least two of the following three elective groups:
Advanced Perceptual/Cognitive - PSYC3151, PSYC3211, PSYC3221, PSYC3311, PSYC3321
Advanced Biological - PSYC3051, PSYC3241, PSYC3251, PSYC3261
Advanced Social - PSYC31321, PSYC3271, PSYC3281

Major Plans for the Bachelor of Science (3970) program and Combined BSc Programs


Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Dr D Curnoe
6 UoC level I CHEM
Plus 12 uoc from:
Plus 6 uoc from:
i) Level III Anatomy not already taken,
ii) Level III Biochemistry, Biological Science, Microbiology, Pathology or Physiology   
BABS Student Office
Plus at least 6 uoc from: MATH1031, MATH1041
Plus 6 uoc from: BIOS2021 or BIOS2621, CHEM2021, CHEM2041, MICR2011
A total of 24 uoc:
12 or 18 uoc from: BIOC3111,
Plus 0 - 12 uoc from: BIOC3121, BIOC3281
 Biological Science
BEES Student Office
Also recommended: BIOS1301
Plus 6 uoc from: BIOS2031, BIOS2051, BIOS2061
24 uoc from Level III Biological Science courses.
BABS Student Office
Also recommended:
A total of 24 uoc: BIOT3011, BIOT3021,
Plus 6-12 uoc from:BIOT3061, BIOT3081
Plus a further 0-6 uoc from: BIOC3111, BIOC3121, BIOC3271, BIOC3281, MICR3051, MICR3071,
Dr G Edwards
12 uoc from Level I Mathematics,
6 uoc from Level I Physics
18 uoc from Level III Chemistry of which 12 uoc must be from:
BEES Student Office
Also recommended: BIOS1301
Environmental Earth Science
BEES Student Office
Also recommended: BIOS1301
Plus 6 uoc from Level II GEOS courses
Plus 12 uoc from
Level III GEOS courses
Food Science
Prof G Fleet
12 UoC free electives
18 UoC free electives:
12 UoC general education
PLUS three of :
PLUS A further 24 UoC from the recommended courses listed below:
BABS Student Office
Plus 12 uoc from:
* BEES2041 or an approved COMP or MATH course
A total of 24 uoc:
Plus 6 or 12 uoc from: BIOC3121, MICR3021
Plus 0 or 6 uoc from: BIOS3071, BIOT3061
BEES Student Office
Plus 18 uoc from Level II GEOS courses
Plus 18 UoC from Level III GEOS courses, (which may include GEOS4721,or 
BEES Student Office
Plus 6 uoc from: GEOS2071, GEOS2291, GEOS2721
Plus 12 UoC from Level III GEOS courses, GEOS4721 or 
History and Philosophy of Science
S Healy
At least 6 UoC from
24 uoc from Level II History and Philosophy of Science courses, including at least 12 UoC from: HPSC2100, HPSC2200, HPSC2550
18 UoC from Level III History and Philosophy of Science courses.
Marine Science
(Marine Biology)
BEES Student Office
Plus 12 uoc from:
Marine Science
(Marine Geology)
BEES Student Office
Plus 6 uoc from:
Marine Science
(Physical Oceanography)
School of Mathematics
Materials Science
Dr O Standard
21 uoc from Level III MATS courses including:
Mathematics *
(See Note 3 above)
School of Mathematics
Also highly recommended: MATH1081
18 uoc from Level III Mathematics
Medical Microbiology and Immunology
BABS Student Office
Plus 6 uoc from: MATH1031, MATH1041
Plus 6 uoc from:
A total of 24 uoc:
At least 18 uoc from:
Plus 0 - 6 uoc from:
BABS Student Office
Plus 6 uoc from: MATH1031, MATH1041
Plus 6 uoc from: BIOS2021 or BIOS2621, BIOC2201
Plus 12 uoc from: MICR3611, MICR3061, MICR3071, MICR3081
Molecular Biology
BABS Student Office
Plus 6 uoc from: MATH1031, MATH1041
Plus 6 uoc from: BIOT3061, MICR3011, BIOC3111,
Dr. T Binder
6 uoc from Level 1 Biology (BABS1201 preferred)
Plus 12 uoc from Level I Chemistry (excluding CHEM1831),
Plus 6 uoc from Level I Mathematics
Plus 12 uoc from the following:
Note: Choose either the Fundamentals or the Advanced options of the BIOC courses.
18 uoc from any of the following Level 111 Pharmacology courses:PHPH3251PHPH3101,
Plus 6 uoc from:
Any Level III Pharmacology
Any Level III Physiology
Any level III Chemistry
Any level III Biochemistry
Any Level III Anatomy
Any Level III Pathology
Any Level III Microbiology
Any Level III Neuroscience
Dr M Michael
6 uoc from Level I Philosophy
18 uoc from PHIL2000 and above
24 units of credit from courses numbered PHIL2000 and above, including at least 12 units of credit in courses numbered PHIL3000 and above
Physical Oceanography/
School of Mathematics
Also highly recommended: MATH1081
Plus 3 uoc from Mathematics or Physics
Ms S Hagon
A/Prof G Morriss
Plus 12 uoc from Level II or Level III Physics.
Also recommended: MATH2011, MATH2120
18 uoc from Level III Physics.
Dr L Ulman
6 uoc from Level I Biology (BABS1201 preferred)
Plus 12 uoc from Level I Chemistry
Plus 6 uoc from Level I Mathematics
* Pre-requisites for BIOC2101 and BIOC2201 are BIOS1101 and BABS1201.
A total of 24 uoc:
At least 18 from: NEUR3121, NEUR3221, PHPH3211, PHPH3221
Plus 0 - 6 from: PHPH3101, PHPH3251, BIOC3261, BIOC3271, BIOC3111, BIOC3121, MICR3041, MICR3051, PATH3205, PATH3206, PATH3207 or any Level III Anatomy course.
Mr T Clulow
Dr M Gleitzman
Plus 18 uoc from:
Plus 18 UoC from Level III Psychology courses (please see note 8 above for course requirements)
Safety Science
Dr A Green
Plus 12 uoc from Level I Mathematics.
* MATH2839 or other approved statistics course
Plus additional Level II or III SESC courses to total 42 uoc.
Spatial Information Systems
BEES Student Office
Also recommended: BIOS1101, BIOS1301
Plus 12 uoc from Level III GEOS courses
Statistics *
School of Mathematics
plus 6 UOC from
A/Prof C Winder
Recommended: BIOS2021, further Level II CHEM, PHPH2101, PHPH2201.
Recommended: PHPH3251, PHPH3101, SESC3101, BIOC3261, BIOC3121, further Level III CHEM
Vision Science
Dr Peter Herse
VISN1211, VISN1231 Also recommended:
18 uoc from:

* Mathematics + Statistics double major requirements are listed on the School of Mathematics website.

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© The University of New South Wales (CRICOS Provider No.: 00098G), 2004-2011. The information contained in this Handbook is indicative only. While every effort is made to keep this information up-to-date, the University reserves the right to discontinue or vary arrangements, programs and courses at any time without notice and at its discretion. While the University will try to avoid or minimise any inconvenience, changes may also be made to programs, courses and staff after enrolment. The University may also set limits on the number of students in a course.