Land Law - LAWS2383
Faculty: Faculty of Law
School: Faculty of Law
Course Outline: See below
Campus: Sydney
Career: Undergraduate
Units of Credit: 6
EFTSL: 0.12500 (more info)
Indicative Contact Hours per Week: 3
Enrolment Requirements:
Pre-requisite: LAWS2385 or JURD7285 Pre-requisite: LAWS2381 or JURD7281
Excluded: JURD7282, JURD7283, LAWS2382
CSS Contribution Charge: (more info)
Tuition Fee: See Tuition Fee Schedule
Further Information: See Class Timetable
View course information for previous years.
Course Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate awareness of principles of land law and their relationship to the broader context;
- Engage in critical analysis of the historical and social significance of real property and property law;
- Navigate the interaction of common law, equity and statute when applying real property law to hypothetical fact scenarios;
- Engage in critical analysis of doctrines of land law;
- Demonstrate effective oral communication skills by discussing and debating course concepts in a scholarly, reflective and respectful manner; and
- Demonstrate effective written communication skills by articulating legal concepts clearly, persuasively and appropriately.
- Native title
- Doctrines of tenure and estates
- Contracts for the sale of land
- Torrens system
- Equitable interests in land
- Leases
- Mortgages
- Co-ownership
- Easements
- Covenants
- Strata and community title
- Class participation - 20%
- Research Assignment - 30%
- Take-home exam - 50%
- Edgeworth, Rossiter, Stone, O’Connor Sackville and Neave’s Property Law: Cases and Materials (LexisNexis, 9th ed, 2013)
- Gray, Edgeworth, Foster and Dorsett, 3rd ed., LexisNexis, Sydney, 2012
- Bradbrook, Maccallum Moore and Grattan, Australian Real Property Law, 5th ed, Thomson, (2011)
- Peter Butt, Land Law (Thomson, 6th ed, 2010)