Climate Science
What we offer:
Climate science studies the past, present and future climate systems and the impact on the physical, biological and human environments. An honours year is offered where students participate in research within the UNSW Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) - the largest and most research active climate change group in Australia. The CCRC has a particular focus on the controls of global and regional climate and climate variability, the use of coupled climate models in combination with available meteorological observations and the genesis of Australian climate extremes. The program provides the foundation for employment, further study and research in all aspects of climate science, ranging from physical oceanography, atmospheric science, through carbon futures and the impact of climate change on the environment. What you will study: Climate science is a study plan within the Advanced Science program and aims to expose students to key relevant disciplines including mathematics, physics and environmental systems but also has strong and unique links into biological processes. In first year (Stage 1) you are required to undertake courses in maths, physics, chemistry and environmental systems and electives can be drawn from the environmental and geo- sciences. Stage 2 includes the course Fundamentals of Climate Change, Introductory Marine Science and Atmospheric Physics. Stage 3 courses include Environmental Change, Physical Oceanography and Peak Carbon, which discusses climate change and energy policy. There is also the opportunity to participate in research internships within the UNSW Climate Change Research Centre. Climate Science can be studied as