Social Work
Social Work focuses on promoting social change, problem solving in human relationships and empowering people to enhance their well-being. Utilising theories of human behaviour, and social systems, Social Work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to practice of Social Work.
The study of Social Work prepares students for professional practice in this area and the wider field of welfare. Social work interventions range from primarily person-focused psychosocial processes to involvement in social policy, planning and development. These include counselling, clinical social work, group work, social pedagogical work, and family treatment and therapy as well as efforts to help people obtain services and resources in the community. Interventions also include agency administration, community organisation and engaging in social and political action to impact social policy and economic development. Studying Social Work at UNSW The study of Social Work at UNSW is offered primarily through the School of Social Sciences. At an undergraduate level, the School offers a Bachelor of Social Work program and related combined degree programs. Postgraduate study is also available.
Social Work can be studied as