Arts and Social Sciences


The specialisation in Arts and Social Sciences (A&SS) allows students to develop a 36 units of credit sequence of study to meet their individual professional, disciplinary or interdisciplinary development. Students must put forward a case for doing an A&SS minor from level 2 onwards that will enhance their Bachelor of Arts (BA) program. The content of the minor must be approved by the Associate Dean (Education) and must provide a coherent program of study. Courses may be drawn from any majors or minors in the UNSW BA and must conform to the UNSW BA rules. For example a student doing Film Studies may want to focus on ethics in Australian film, so may select course from Australian Studies and Philosophy.

Please refer to below table for all relevant programs and plans.

Arts and Social Sciences can be studied as 

Specialisation At the Level of Stream
Arts and Social Sciences Minor ARTSA23763

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