

The main component of management is building and developing relationships between people and organisations. Management also involves formulating goals, designing organisational structures, fostering innovation and regulating resources.

Management positions are available across a range of organisations. Some recent graduate positions are: Business Analyst, Client Service Officer, Corporate Planning Officer, Management Consultant, and Strategic Planning and Operations Coordinator, as well as roles in business development, general management, human resource and change management, occupational health and safety, operations management and quality management.

Studying Management at UNSW

Management is offered as an undergraduate major by the UNSW Business School for students enrolled in all Bachelor of Commerce (including Services Marketing - Tourism and Hospitality), Bachelor of Economics, and Bachelor of Psychological Science degrees. The Management major is designed for students who are interested in the complex relations between power, people and resources. The major particularly complements business studies such as Accounting, Finance, Information Systems or Marketing.

Students with above average grades in their Management courses are invited to join the Honours program, requiring an additional year of study. An Honours year adds extra value to an undergraduate degree and is highly regarded by employers.

Management can be studied as 

Specialisation At the Level of Stream
Management Major MGMTA13558