Business Strategy and Economic Management
Business Strategy and Economic Management deals with strategic behaviour among firms and provides tools for effective business decision-making. This major looks at important issues such as the behaviour of individuals and firms and their strategic interactions, economic growth and development, the causes and effects of unemployment and inflation, income distribution, industrial organisation, public policy design and implementation, and the means to improve overall efficiency and living standards.
Graduate roles include Business Analyst, Economic Consultant, Economic Researcher, Management Consultant, Policy Analyst and Project Manager. Studying Business Strategy and Economic Management at UNSW Business Strategy and Economic Management is offered as an undergraduate major by the UNSW Business School for students enrolled in commerce degrees. Students with above average grades in their Business Strategy and Economic Management courses are invited to join the Honours program, requiring an additional year of study. An Honours year adds extra value to an undergraduate degree and is highly regarded by employers.
Business Strategy and Economic Management can be studied as