Media Arts


Media Arts is the study of various technologically based media. Students are prepared for careers in animation and visual effects, photography, film and video, sound design, multimedia and Internet based technologies.

At UNSW, the study of this discipline is through the College of Fine Arts (COFA) at Paddington. Major areas of study include: animation and visual effects, cross-media arts, photography, video, sound and image.

Animation and Visual Effects is concerned with the development of conceptual and technical skills required to become content creators in the field of animation and digital effects, including independent and commercial animation, data visualization and motion design.

Cross-Media Arts is an interdisciplinary area working across emerging and recognised interactive and intermedia art practices. It encourages experimental and playful approaches to hybrid art and interactivity.

Photomedia is concerned with the issues of analogue and digital image production within the context of national and international contemporary visual arts practice and debate central to the development and production of artwork. Emphasis is placed on conceptual and practical investigations through specific projects designed to promote the acquisition of technical skills and foster critical individual interpretations in addition to conceptual and aesthetic development.

Video, Sound, Image focuses on the expanding field of lens-based media and audio practices, moving students between sound and the still image and video. It is concerned with digital imaging, sound design, music-video, VJing, motion graphics and digital storytelling.

Studying Media Arts at UNSW

The study of Media Arts at UNSW is primarily through the School of Media Arts at the College of Fine Arts ( in Paddington. The School offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs of study including the Bachelor of Media Arts (Hons).

Media Arts can be studied as 

Specialisation At the Level of Stream
Animation and Visual Effects Minor DIGME24812
Cross-Media Arts Minor DIGMF24812
Cross-Media Arts Extension Major DIGMF14812
Photography Minor FOTOA24812
Photography Extension Major FOTOB14812
Photomedia Major FOTOA14812
Time Based Art Major TBASA14812
Video Sound Image Minor DIGMD24812

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