Photonic does with light (photons) what electronics does with electrical circuits (electrons). The light is manipulated to carry information (eg. 1's and 0's for convertanial binary computing). Photonics is a particularly exciting field of study due to the potential speed with which information can be transmitted and manipulated.
Photonic engineering will appeal to those who are interested in the following fields:
Photonic Engineering is a rapidly developing and dynamic field of engineering. Potential graduate employers include: major service providers such as Optus and Telstra; large private industrial groups such as JDS Uniphase and Alcatel; and host of smaller service and technology providers, all highly specialised and technologically sophisticated .
Studying Photonic Engineering At UNSW The study of Photonics at UNSW is primarily through the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications ( The School offers a full time undergraduate program, Bachelor of Engineering (Photonics). Postgraduate study is also available. Photonics can be studied as