

The discipline of Medicine prepares students for entry into the medical and other health-related professions.

At UNSW, the study of medicine is through the New Medicine program, a six year undergraduate program which leads to the award of the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery - MB BS.

The New Medicine program aims to develop students' capabilities in:
  • using basic and clinical sciences in medical practice.
  • understanding the social determinants of health and disease.
  • patient assessment and management.
  • effective communication.
  • working as a member of a team.
  • self-directed learning and critical evaluation skills.
  • understanding and acting in an ethical and socially responsible manner.
  • development as a reflective practitioner.
Studying Medicine at UNSW

The Faculty of Medicine ( offers the New Medicine program and also a combined degree program with Arts. Opportunities for postgraduate study are also available.

Medicine can be studied as
Specialisation At the Level of Plan
Medicine Major
Surgery Major SURGA13831