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 German Studies
 German Studies


German Studies at UNSW places special emphasis on integrating the study of the social, historical and cultural developments in German society with the teaching of practical language skills and German literature. This approach aims to enable to students to achieve a high level of communicative competence in German while offering them a critical understanding of this fascinating modern European society.

There is a special emphasis on the social and cultural history of Germany, Austria and Switzerland during the last 200 years and, in particular, on the social structure and the intellectual life of the contemporary German-speaking societies as they have developed over the last two centuries.

At UNSW, German language studies is offered at a Beginners level for undergraduate students with negligible prior experience, an Intermediate level for students with HSC or equivalent experience, and an Advanced level for those with Native Speaker or equivalent experience.

Studying German Studies at UNSW

German Studies is offered as an undergraduate major in many degree programs in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and degree programs in other faculties, such as the Faculty of Commerce and Economics and the Faculty of Science. Please refer to the table below. The discipline may also be studied at a postgraduate level with PhD (Research) and Masters (Research and Coursework) degrees offered by the University.

German Studies can be studied as
Specialisation At the Level of Plan
German Studies Major GERSA13417

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