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 Korean Studies
 Korean Studies


Korean Studies provides students with the opportunity to develop a balance of effective communicative skills in Korean and knowledge and understanding about Korea.

The development of the South Korean economy has rapidly expanded opportunities for Korean Studies graduates. Demand for graduates with Korean linguistic and socio-cultural skills is already high and growing rapidly as Australian companies and institutions intensify their Asian links. Korean graduates can be found working in such fields as international relations, trade, commerce, tourism, technology and education.

Studying Korean at UNSW

The study of Korean at UNSW is primarily through the School of Modern Languages ( Students of all levels are catered for and it is possible to commence at Beginners, Intermediate or Advanced levels of Korean, according to your proficiency. In addition, the School offers a stream for native speakers of Korean. An Honours year is also available and it is possible to continue the study of Korean at postgraduate level.

Korean Studies can be studied as
Specialisation At the Level of Plan
Korean Studies Double Major KOREAD3527

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