
Media (Com & Journalism) / Law - 4753

Program Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Law


Campus: Sydney

Career: Undergraduate

Typical Duration: 5 Years  

Typical UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC Per Semester: 6

Max UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC For Award: 240

UAC Code: 426000

Domestic Entry Requirements: See Domestic Entry Requirements

International Entry Requirements: See International Entry Requirements


Bachelor of Laws

Bachelor of Media (Major)

View program information for previous years

Program Description

This program is for new 2018 commencing students. If you are a continuing student please refer to the Online Handbook in the year you started your Dual Law degree or contact the Faculty of Law for advice.

This program combines the professional Bachelor of Laws with the Bachelor of Media (Communication and Journalism).

The Bachelor of Media (Communication and Journalism) is designed to provide students with foundational and applied skills, knowledge and capabilities in professional communication and journalism. It equips students to be effective producers and analysts of a wide range of communication practices, informed by a solid understanding of media theory. Relevant career pathways include journalism, corporate and organizational communication, public sector communication and public relations. While specialising in Communication and Journalism, students will also be immersed in the culture and philosophy of media studies through their courses in the media core.

This degree combination is relevant to students interested in becoming media lawyers, or in journalism, corporate and organisational communication

Level I and II courses cover contextual knowledge of communication and journalism, and practical and theoretical skills in text production and analysis. As students proceed into Level III, the program expands and deepens knowledge and understanding of these skills through application to contemporary communication contexts, requiring demonstration of the ability to situate, produce and evaluate effective communication texts.

Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes

Please refer to the program objectives and learning outcomes for the Bachelor of Media (Communication and Journalism) 3429

Program Structure

    Requirements for the Bachelor of Media (Communication and Journalism) in Dual Mode

    Total Unit Requirements
    Law compulsory courses - 96 UOC
    Law prescribed elective - 6 UOC
    Law elective courses - 42 UOC
    Media Courses - 96 UOC -please see below
    Total 240 UOC

    The basic requirements for the Bachelor of Media (Communication and Journalism) degree in dual mode (96 uoc) are:
    1. Media Core (12 UOC)
    2. Prescribed Media Elective (24 UOC)
    3. Communication and Journalism Core (36 UOC)
    4. Prescribed Communication and Journalism Electives (24 UOC)
    For detailed stream outline of Media(Communication and Journalism) major sequences please check the following links:

    MDIAC14753 Communication and Journalism

    Award with Distinction in NonLLB degree
    You are eligible for the award of your Pass Degree "with Distinction" if you achieve a Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of at least 75 in all courses and complete at least 50% of the requirements of your award at UNSW.

    An approved sequence of study
    An approved sequence for Media(Communication and Journalism) and Law can be found here:

    Plan for Media (Communication and Journalism) and Law

    General Education Requirements

    Students enrolled in a combined law degree (with exception to Jurisprudence/Law) are not required to complete general education courses.


    Honours in the Bachelor of Laws
    High achieving students may be eligible to graduate with a Bachelor of Laws (Honours).

    Please visit the Honours in law website for further information about the current Honours policy (applicable to students who commenced the LLB in 2014 or earlier) and the new policy (applicable to students who commenced the LLB from 2015 onwards).

    Honours in Bachelor of Media (Honours), program 4510
    After completion of 144 uoc including all of the requirements of the Bachelor of Media (Communication & Journalism) dual degree, high achieving students may apply for admission to the Bachelor Media (Honours) program 4510. A minimum WAM of 70 in the Bachelor of Media (Communication & Journalism) component of the dual degree is required for entry into Honours.

    Bachelor of Media (Honours) program 4510

    Academic Rules

    To qualify for the award of the Bachelor of Media (Communication and Journalism) degree at Pass level, a student must:
    1. enrol in the Bachelor of Media (Communication and Journalism) and complete 96 units of credit;
    2. complete the requirements for the core
    3. complete the requirements for prescribed electives
    4. complete at least 30 units of credit of Level I courses before enrolling in Level II courses
    5. complete at least 48 units of credit overall before enrolling in Level III courses

    For Academic Rules relating to the Bachelor of Laws
    For Academic Rules relating to the Bachelor of Laws component of this combined degree program, please refer to program 4701. Although 4701 program is no longer on offer, all combined law students enrolled in the LLB will need to comply with the rules stated here.

    A direct link is given below:
    Bachelor of Law 4701


    For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:  UNSW Fee Website.

    Area(s) of Specialisation