
Law (Honours) - 4702

Program Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Law


Campus: Sydney

Career: Undergraduate

Typical Duration: 3 Years  

Typical UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC Per Semester: 6

Max UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC For Award: 144

Domestic Entry Requirements: See Domestic Entry Requirements

International Entry Requirements: See International Entry Requirements


Bachelor of Laws (Honours)

View program information for previous years

Program Description

Please note:
  • This program (LLB (Honours)) is not available for admission or enrolment. It cannot be studied as a single stand alone degree.
  • This program is for LLB students who commenced their Dual Award LLB studies in or after 2015 who wish to graduate with an LLB (Honours) degree. Please see the list of Dual Award LLB (Honours) program below.
  • LLB students who commenced their LLB studies before 2015 who wish to graduate with an LLB (Honours) should consult the Faculty website.
  • Admission into the Dual Award LLB (Honours) programs is only through a UNSW Internal Program Transfer.
Dual award LLB (Honours) programs
  • 4708 Actuarial Studies / Law (Honours)
  • 4741 Advanced Mathematics (Honours) / Law (Honours)
  • 4742 Advanced Science (Honours) / Law (Honours)
  • 4709 Art Theory / Law (Honours)
  • 4711 Arts and Business / Law (Honours)- for students transferring from Program 4783 Arts and Business / Law
  • 4758 Arts and Business/ Law (Honours)- for students transferring from Program 4773 Arts and Business / Law
  • 4712 Arts / Law (Honours)- for students transferring from Program 4782 Arts / Law
  • 4746 Arts / Law (Honours)- for students transferring from Program 4760 Arts / Law
  • 4729 City Planning (Honours) / Law (Honours)
  • 4713 Commerce / Law (Honours)
  • 3787 Computer Science / Law (Honours)- for students transferring from Program 3786 Computer Science / Law
  • 4714 Computer Science / Law (Honours)- for students transferring from Program 3984 Computer Science / Law
  • 4715 Criminology and Criminal Justice / Law (Honours)
  • 4716 Economics / Law (Honours)
  • 4717 Engineering (Honours) / Law (Honours)
  • 4718 Fine Arts / Law (Honours)
  • 4719 International Studies / Law (Honours)- for students transferring from Program 4765 International Studies / Law
  • 4784 International Studies / Law (Honours)- for students transferring from Program 4788 International Studies / Law
  • 4723 Media (Comms & Journalism) / Law (Honours)
  • 4724 Media (PR & Advertising) / Law (Honours)
  • 4725 Media (Screen and Sound Production) / Law (Honours)
  • 4726 Medicinal Chemistry (Honours) / Law (Honours)
  • 4727 Music (Honours) / Law (Honours)
  • 4728 Music / Law (Honours)
  • 4757 Psychological Science / Law (Honours)
  • 4756 Psychology (Honours) / Law (Honours)
  • 4743 Science / Law (Honours)
  • 4748 Science and Business / Law (Honours)
  • 4749 Social Research and Policy / Law (Honours)
  • 4754 Social Work (Honours) / Law (Honours)

Program Learning Outcomes

UNSW Law instills in students the understandings, values, skills and qualities necessary to become highly qualified professionals with a strong sense of citizenship, community and social justice.

Graduates of UNSW Law will understand and appreciate:

1. Legal knowledge in its broader contexts
2. Indigenous legal issues
3. Principles of justice and the rule of law

Analytical Skills
Graduates of UNSW Law will have developed the skills of:

4. Statutory interpretation and analysis
5. Legal reasoning
6. Legal research and writing
7. Reform-oriented analysis of law and policy
8. Application of interdisciplinary perspectives to legal issues

Professional Skills
Graduates of UNSW Law are professionals who will have:

9. Communication skills
10. Interpersonal skills
11. Professional and ethical dispositions and values
12. Capacities for self-management

Honours-level Research Skills
In addition, graduates of the LLB (Honours) will have:

13. Research skills, demonstrated through the planning and execution of a piece of research or a professional project with some independence.

Program Structure

Total Unit Requirements for the Bachelor of Law (LLB) Honours:
  • Law compulsory courses - 96 UOC
  • Law prescribed electives - 6 UOC
  • Law Honours Research core course - 6 UOC
  • Law free electives - 36 UOC
Total 144 UOC

Law Approved Sequence

There is no assumed knowledge requirement for entry to Faculty of Law courses but students must study law courses in an approved sequence. Other sequences may be approved in special circumstances.

Compulsory Courses (Total Units - 96 UOC)
Prescribed Electives (Total Units - 6 UOC from one of the following)
Honours Research Core Course
Free Electives

All Free Electives must be taken from an approved list of LAWS courses. Approximately 25-30 electives are made available each session. The number of students that may take an elective may be limited. Please refer to the list in Program 4701 LLB.

Academic Rules

1. Application to LLB (Honours) program

1.1 UNSW LLB students are eligible to transfer to the LLB (Honours) program if, at the time of making their application, they:
a) have successfully completed a minimum of 96 UOC of LLB courses;
b) have successfully completed at least 84 UOC of core LLB courses (which can include the prescribed elective);
c) have a minimum of 12 UOC of LLB courses still to complete at UNSW; and
d) have a WAM in their core LLB courses (including the prescribed elective, if applicable) of 75 or above.

1.2 Students entering the LLB (Honours) will be given full credit for all LLB courses completed.

2. Honours requirements

2.1 LLB (Honours) students must complete a supervised 6 UOC LAWS course called ‘Honours Research Thesis’. The research thesis will be of 10,000 words. It will be double marked. As part of the ‘Honours Research Thesis’, students need to complete a mandatory Research Methods and Skills Workshop. The workshop will equip the students with the skills necessary to become researchers and successfully complete their thesis. The supervisor of the student with the approval of the Honours and Legal Research and Writing Coordinator may exempt the student from completing the workshop if the supervisor believes that the student has the necessary skills to conduct the required research or there are other exceptional grounds for excusing the student.

2.2 All remaining courses that an LLB (Honours) student needs to complete his or her 144 UOC of study are to be taken from the core and prescribed elective courses required to be completed as part of the LLB program (if these have not already been completed), and from the list of elective courses available to LLB students.

3. Classes of Honours, and enrolment requirements

3.1 Classes of Honours are to be based on an ‘Honours WAM’. This will be calculated using the WAM from all non-Honours, graded LLB courses taken at UNSW as 75% of the Honours WAM, and the WAM from the Honours Research Thesis as 25% of the Honours WAM.

3.2 Classes of Honours are to be awarded as follows:

Class 1: Honours WAM of 80.00 or greater
Class 2: Honours WAM between 75.00 and 79.99
Class 3: Honours WAM below 75

3.3 On completion of all LLB (Honours) course requirements, students whose Honours WAMs have fallen below 75 will be given the option of transferring back to the pass-level LLB program and graduating with an LLB.

4.Medallist Requirements

4.1 One student from each graduating cohort of students enrolled in programs 4701 and 4702 will be recommended for the University Medal, with up to two Medals awarded each year. This student is expected to have maintained Good Standing throughout their UG career (ie, while undertaking their LLB and, if applicable, LLB (Honours)). Students will be compared with others in their cohort (that is, both 4701 and 4702 students will be compared) across a number of categories to identify the best/top student based on each category. These categories of comparison include:
  • Honours WAM
  • WAM for all LAWS courses
  • WAM for LAWS core courses and LAWS prescribed elective
  • WAM for LAWS elective courses
  • WAM for best 4 LAWS elective courses
  • WAM for best 19 LAWS courses
  • WAM for all LAWS courses minus two lowest mark


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:  UNSW Fee Website.

Area(s) of Specialisation