Arts (CDF) - 4461
Program Summary
Faculty: UNSW Canberra at ADFA
Contact: UNSW Canberra, Student Administrative Services
Campus: UNSW Canberra at ADFA
Career: Undergraduate
Typical UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC Per Semester: 6
Max UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC For Award: 144
Domestic Entry Requirements: See Domestic Entry Requirements
International Entry Requirements: See International Entry Requirements
Bachelor of Arts (Major)
View program information for previous years
Program Description
The range of CDFS Programs, described in detail in the following sections, is characterised by the inclusion of specialist courses in critical analysis and/or research methods appropriate to the area of study. All programs also include discipline-specific research projects. The research projects will be supervised by academic staff from the relevant discipline. With the approval of the relevant Heads of Schools, multi- or cross disciplinary projects may be undertaken.
Students in the research courses may work independently or as part of a team, depending on the nature of the project undertaken, though all students will submit individual assessment. Final assessment will be based on a written paper or report and oral presentations.
Throughout the program, and in addition to completing the courses given in the following schedules, students will be engaged with cohort activities so as to develop and maintain their interest and continuing involvement in the program via invited lectures, seminars, general reading and social events.
Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes
Program Structure
- Business
- English and Media Studies
- Geography
- History
- Indonesian Studies
- International and Political Studies
Sample Program
Arts Major #1
Arts Major #2
CDF Courses ##
Free Electives ##
General Education plus Prescribed Electives
Yr 1 S1
12 UOC
24 UOC
Yr 1 S2
12 UOC
24 UOC
Yr 2 S1
24 UOC
Yr 2 S2
6 UOC |
24 UOC
Yr 3 S1
24 UOC
Yr 3 S2
6 UOC |
6 UOC |
24 UOC
36 UOC
36 UOC
24 UOC
24 UOC
24 UOC
144 UOC
Academic Rules
A student must comply with the Faculty Regulations for Undergraduate Students. In the event of a conflict, the rules for the Bachelor of Arts (Chief of Defence Force) take precedence over the Faculty Regulations for Undergraduate Students.
Transfer to CDF Student Program
A candidate enrolled in a standard Bachelor of Arts degree program may, at the discretion of the relevant Head of School, transfer to the CDF Students Program in the same degree area upon completion of a minimum of 24 units of credit in either semester of the Year 1 program with a semester-based Weighted Average Mean (WAM) equal to or greater than 80. The latest date by which candidates may transfer to the CDF Student Program in the same degree area is for the commencement of Semester 1 of the Year 2 program.
Progression through CDF Student Program
To continue as a candidate in the CDF Student Program, a candidate shall normally achieve a semester-based Weighted Average Mean (WAM) equal to or greater than 80. Candidature shall be reviewed at the end of each academic semester. The relevant Head of School may exercise discretion in decisions relating to candidature.
Credit Transfer
A candidate transferring between the CDF Student Program and the standard Bachelor of Arts program will be granted credit for all courses successfully completed.
2.0 Degree Requirements
1. To qualify for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (CDF), a candidate shall normally be enrolled for a minimum of six semesters and gain a minimum of 144 UOC, normally 24 UOC in each full-time semester.
2. A candidate completing the program shall complete courses, in the years prescribed as set out in the relevant schedule.
3. Before a candidate’s enrolment will be accepted for any course, the candidate must have completed the relevant pre-requisite courses shown in the Course Catalogue, except where the Course Authority for the appropriate course approves otherwise.
4. A candidate for the BA (CDF) shall complete courses as set out in the Sample Program table shown under the Program Structure.
3. Program Rules
1. The BA (CDF) program must include courses totaling no less than 144 UOC.
2. At least 96 UOC must be from courses in the Arts discipline areas listed below, of which at least 48 UOC must be in Level 2 and Level 3 courses.
3. Students must complete two majors in Arts disciplines. A major consists of courses totaling no less than 48 UOC, with at least 36 UOC from Level 2 and 3 courses, with at least 18 UOC at Level 3.
4. Students must complete four designated CDF courses as identified in the Sample Program (viz, ZHSS2901, ZHSS2902, ZHSS3901 and ZHSS3902. These designated CDF courses will count towards one or both of the students Arts majors.
5. Students are able to include courses from Business, Information Technology, Engineering and Science in the program, subject to timetabling constraints and prerequisites.
6. Students are required to include 12 UOC of General Education courses, usually taken in the second or third year of study.
7. Students must complete two prescribed elective courses: ZPEM2312 Fundamentals of Data Analysis and ZINT2100 Introduction to Cyber-security: Policy and Operations.
Faculty Regulations for Undergraduate Students
Please refer to Faculty Regulations information
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