Commerce (Honours) - 4501
Program Summary
Faculty: UNSW Business School
Contact: UNSW Business School Student Centre
Campus: Sydney
Career: Undergraduate
Typical UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC Per Semester: 6
Max UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC For Award: 48
Domestic Entry Requirements: See Domestic Entry Requirements
International Entry Requirements: See International Entry Requirements
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
View program information for previous years
Program Description
If you are a prospective student researching your study options, please visit UNSW Business School website for more information.
The Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) is a one year advanced undergraduate degree for high-achieving students which may be undertaken upon completion of an undergraduate pass degree. A student undertaking this program will normally complete honours within the business specialisation (major) of their pass degree.
The Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) program enables students to expand and deepen their understanding of this discipline and develop highly sought after analytical, problem solving and research skills through undertaking a significant independent research thesis. The program may be a pathway into a PhD. Honours may be completed within the disciplines of accounting, finance, human resource management, information systems, international business, management or marketing.
Program Benefits
Competitive advantage, increased employability, attractiveness and worth resulting in more career options - either in academia, business, government or applied research through gaining:
- advanced analytical and problem solving skills required for specialist careers in business and government
- highly sought after research, project management and communication skills in as well as advanced knowledge of the relevant discipline.
Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes
- apply a highly developed understanding of the theoretical concepts and body of knowledge in one or more disciplines to address a research topic.
- reflect critically on existing knowledge, ideas and practice with the relevant field to address a research topic
- plan and execute a piece of research with some independence.
- communicate research ideas effectively in oral presentations and in writing.
Program Structure
- 24UOC (4 courses) of advanced coursework in the relevant discipline
- 24 UOC thesis.
The specific courses and number of courses to be completed are dependent on the relevant discipline of the Honours. For details of these courses, please refer to the relevant discipline Honours plan.
Thesis (24 UOC)
The thesis is an independent piece of research which may be empirical or conceptual in nature (in line with traditional research modes in the relevant discipline) and will be worth 24 UOC. The thesis is completed under the supervision of academic(s) within the relevant disiplinary School.
In addition to the written thesis, students will be required to give an oral presentation in which they will outline and defend their thesis proposal or their finished research to a group of their peers and relevant School academics.
The thesis will be marked by two independent examiners who are appointed by the discipline Honours Co-ordinator in consultation with the HoS / School Honours Committee. The final thesis mark will normally be the average of the examiners’ recommendations.
Honours Mark and Classes of Honours
The Honours mark for the awarding of the class of Honours is based all components of the program, with weighting of 50% coursework and 50% thesis in line with their UOC.
Honours will be awarded in the following classes:
• Class 1: WAM of 85 and over
• Class 2(1): WAM of 75 to less than 85
• Class 2(2): WAM of 65 to less than 75
• Class 3: WAM of 50 to less than 65
University Medal
An honours student may be nominated for a University Medal in line with the University Medal Policy and University Medal Procedure.
Academic Rules
1. A minimum of 48 units of credit (UOC).
2. A minimum of 24 UOC of coursework
3. A 24 UOC of thesis.
Progression rules:
4. Students are to maintain a course average of 70 or more (and satisfactorily pass any Pass/Fail courses) to continue in the Honours program after the end of their first session.
Entry Requirements
A student must have an overall Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of at least 70 (or equivalent) with a discipline/major WAM of at least 70. Due to the academic requirements of some disciplines and the competitive nature of honours places, the WAM required for entry may be higher in some disciplines. Students who have failed a course within their pass degree will not normally gain entry to the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) program. Please refer to the relevant discipline Honours plan for exact details.
The availability and willingness of a supervisor to work with the candidate is another important criterion for successful admission to the program. The number of students accepted to the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in a particular discipline is dependent on the availability of supervisors in that discipline. If there are more applicants than a discipline can accommodate, admission will be determined according to students' academic merit. Hence meeting the academic requirements of the program does not guarantee a place in the program.
Not all disciplines may accept students mid-year or on a part-time basis due the sequencing of the coursework.
How to Apply
Domestic applicants:
Internal domestic applicants should forward a completed application form to the relevant Honours Coordinator. This application is to be accompanied with the required supporting documents as detailed in the relevant discipline Honours plan. This supporting documentation may include all or a selection of the following:
• A cover letter highlighting the academic background and other strengths of the applicant
• A copy of the applicant’s CV (with at least one academic referee)
• An academic transcript from the relevant tertiary institution
• A statement of research interest/proposal not exceeding 1,000 words
• Other relevant supporting documents (e.g. awards, research papers), if any.
External domestic applicants should apply by sending the completed application form and all relevant documents to the UNSW UAC Admissions Office.
International applicants:
Internal (current UNSW) international students should complete an honours application or expression of interest form from the disciplinary school with whom they want to undertake the honours program. The form is to be accompanied with the required supporting documents as detailed in the relevant discipline Honours plan. They should contact the UNSW Business School Student Centre for details of the application process.
All other international applicants should complete the disciplinary school’s honours application or expression of interest form, PLUS an online application to study at UNSW (UNSW Apply Online).
If you’re applying online, once you receive the letter of acknowledgement you must submit the honours application or expression of interest form as well as the required supporting documentation directly to UNSW.
The disciplinary school application or expression of interest forms can be found through the following link:
Entry requirements.
Further Information
Contact the UNSW Business School Student Centre for advice.
tel: + 61 2 9385 3189
location: Level 1, room 1028, Quadrangle Building
Forms, policies and procedures
Frequently asked questions
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