BIS (Co-op) (Hons) - 3964
Program Summary
Faculty: UNSW Business School
Contact: UNSW Business School Student Centre
Campus: Sydney
Career: Undergraduate
Typical UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC Per Semester: 6
Max UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC For Award: 192
UAC Code: 424640
Domestic Entry Requirements: See Domestic Entry Requirements
International Entry Requirements: See International Entry Requirements
View program information for previous years
Program Description
If you are a prospective student researching your study options, please visit UNSW Business School website for more information.
The BIS (Co-op) (Hons) is a full-time four year Honours degree program. It is an industry linked education program leading to the award of the qualification Bachelor of Information Systems (Co-op) (Honours). The program draws on both Information Systems and business and is intended to develop conceptual and practical skills. After an introductory first stage, students will learn about business analysis systems and design, data management, business systems infrastructure and security as well as commercial programming statistics, management accounting and commercial programming.
The BIS (Co-op) (Hons) program has been designed in conjunction with Information Systems and Information Technology industry professionals to provide for the needs of Australian businesses. The program combines the requirements for the award of the degree with 18 months of coordinated industrial experience at three different sponsoring organisations (24 weeks at each). Industry Training extends outside university semesters. A scholarship is payable from funds donated by the sponsoring organisations. Entry to the program is limited to students awarded a scholarship through the BIS (Co-op) (Hons) selection procedures administered by the UNSW Co-op Program Office. For more information about requirements for the BIS (Co-op) (Hons) Program please visit the frequently asked questions page.
Consideration for entry to the course may proceed only on the basis of an application directly to Co-op program Office at the University of New South Wales and application through UAC. Visit the UNSW Co-op website for a brochure and application form.
Students who are academically acceptable for the BIS (Co-op) (Hons) degree program, but who are not offered a scholarship position, should consider registering for first Stage entry into the BIS 3979 program. If BIS (Co-op) (Hons) scholarships become available at the end of stage 1, students undertaking the BIS 3979 program may be offered an interview and a transfer into the 3964 BIS (Co-op) (Hons) degree program.
Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes
This four Stage program teaches Information Systems Theory and Practice and provides industrial training linked to that teaching. The three industry placements in the course are each of approximately six months duration, running from January of Stages 2 and 3, and July of Stage 3 of the program.
The program combines courses that assist students to learn about the technical environment of IS as well as develop an understanding of the business implications of these systems. Organisations are always looking for business savvy IS graduates who understand the business and technical issues which surround and impact their information systems. IS graduates from this degree can target careers in areas such as: business systems analysis, information system development, communications networks analysis and development; IS security development; e-business systems development; business intelligence systems construction, and IS and IT architecture and infrastructure development and maintenance.
Program Structure
- 24 UOC of business core courses (as detailed in the structure below; NOTE: IF MATH1041 is completed instead of ECON1203, it will be considered a business core course for this purpose).
- 72 UOC of INFS courses (as detailed in the sample structure below)
- 36 UOC of Industry Placement courses.
- 48 UOC of 4th year and honours courses, including a 24 UOC thesis.
- 12 UOC of General Education courses.
- INFS2848 Info Syst Project Management (6 UOC)
- INFS3603 Business Intelligence (6 UOC)
- INFS3631 Innovation & Technology Mgmt (6 UOC)
- INFS3632 Service & Quality Management (6 UOC)
- INFS3633 Information Systems Sourcing (6 UOC)
- INFS3634 Mobile Business Systems (6 UOC)
- INFS3774 Information Systems Security (6 UOC)
Sample Program
- ACCT1511 Accounting & Financial Mgt 1B (6 UOC)
- ECON1101 Microeconomics 1 (6 UOC)
- INFS2101 Industry Placement 1 (12 UOC)
- INFS2605 Business Applic Programming (6 UOC)
- INFS2607 Networking and Infrastructure (6 UOC)
- INFS2608 Enterprise Database Management (6 UOC)
- INFS2621 Enterprise Systems (6 UOC)
- INFS3611 IS Project 1 (6 UOC)
- INFS3202 Industry Placement 2 (12 UOC)
- INFS3303 Industry Placement 3 (12 UOC)
- INFS3604 Business Process Management (6 UOC)
- INFS3605 Information Systems Project 2 (6 UOC)
Plus General Education course 6 UOC
- INFS4795 Thesis Part A (6 UOC)
- INFS4796 Thesis Part B (18 UOC)
- INFS4886 Principles of Research Design (6 UOC)
- INFS4887 Business Research Methods (6 UOC)
To be eligible to enrol in level 4 INFS courses and the thesis component, a student must:
- Have a WAM of at least 70 in Information Systems courses.
- Pass all courses at the first attempt.
The thesis will be marked by two independent markers. In line with the Business School Honours Protocol the honours supervisor will not be one of the markers.
Academic Rules
To be awarded the BIS (Co-op) (Hons) degree it must contain:
- 192 units of credit (UOC).
- A minimum of 180 UOC of courses in Information Systems and Business.
- 24 UOC of Level 1 Business Core courses. (MATH1041 is considered a business course for this purpose).
- A sequence of 72 UOC courses in the discipline of Information Systems, of which 18 UOC must be at Level 3.
- 36 UOC of Industry Placement courses.
- 24 UOC of specified level 4 INFS courses plus a 24 UOC thesis.
- 12 UOC of courses from outside the UNSW Business School to fulfil the University's General Education requirement.
- Maximum of 72 UOC of Level 1 courses, excluding Level 1 courses completed as part of the General Education requirement.
- A minimum of 24 UOC of courses must be completed before enrolling in Level 2 courses.
- A minimum of 72 UOC of courses must be completed before enrolling in Level 3 courses.
Award of Honours
Class of Honours will be based upon average of results in Level 4 courses (weighted as 50% coursework and 50% thesis) :
First Class Honours 85 and above
Second Class Division I 75 – 84
Second Class Division II 65 – 74
Third Class 50 – 64
If requirements for these classes are not met, a student will be transferred into 3979 and the Pass degree awarded. For more information please refer to the Honours Program link on the SISTM webpage.
All students who complete the requirements for this program will be awarded a Bachelor Honours degree.
University Medal may be awarded as per University Medal Procedures.
Professional Recognition
Further Information
Contact the UNSW Business School Student Centre for advice.
tel: + 61 2 9385 3189
location: Level 1, room 1028, Quadrangle Building
Forms, policies and procedures
Frequently asked questions
Related Program(s)
3584 Commerce / Information Systems
3979 Information Systems
Area(s) of Specialisation