Economics/Adv Science (Hons) - 3566

Program Summary

Faculty: UNSW Business School

Contact:  UNSW Business School Student Centre

Campus: Sydney

Career: Undergraduate

Typical Duration: 5 Years  

Typical UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC Per Semester: 6

Max UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC For Award: 240

UAC Code: 424470

Domestic Entry Requirements: See Domestic Entry Requirements

International Entry Requirements: See International Entry Requirements


Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)

Bachelor of Economics (Major)

Program Description

The handbook provides you with information on the degree structure you would need to follow for the year you commence your study.

If you are a prospective student researching your study options, please visit UNSW Business School website for more information.

The Bachelor of Economics / Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) program enables students to complete a depth of study in advanced science from within UNSW Science which complements the economics program offered by the School of Economics in the UNSW Business School.

For admission to the program, students must satisfy the entry requirements to both the Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) and the Bachelor of Economics programs.

The typical duration of this program is 5 years full-time, including (subject to academic performance) an Honours year in the Advanced Science (Honours) program. With approval, students with an excellent academic record may also enrol in an additional Honours year in the Bachelor of Economics degree.

For questions regarding the Bachelor of Economics requirements for the program, students should consult staff in the UNSW Business School Student Centre or the School of Economics. For questions relating to the Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) component of the program, students should consult the Science Student Centre.

Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes

Please refer to the program objectives as listed for the 3962 Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) program and the 3543 Bachelor of Economics program.

Program Structure

A total of 240 units of credit are required to complete this dual degree program. Students must satisfy the following requirements for the Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) and Bachelor of Economics components. Where the requirements for the two programs are completed in less than 240 units of credit due to overlapping courses, students may satisfy the remaining units of credit from those offered by UNSW Science, UNSW Business School or other Faculties within UNSW.

Requirements of the BEc in dual mode (96UOC):

84 UOC of Economics courses consisting of:
  • Compulsory first and second year courses account for 48 UOC (8 courses – see list below)
  • Major requirements
  • Electives offered by the School of Economics – 12 UOC
And 12 UOC of Free electives.

Please note: ACCT1501 is treated as an Economics course.

Compulsory core courses:
Please note: Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) students should note that they are, in most, instances required to complete two Level 1 MATH courses and these meet the requirements for the BEc core quantitative courses ECON1202 and ECON1203.

Students should do the MATH courses which are required in the Advanced Science (Honours) specialisations they choose – for example, the mathematics and statistics specialisations specify MATH1131/MATH1231 or MATH1141/MATH1241 rather than MATH1031/MATH1041. With a few of the Advanced Science (Honours) specialisations only one MATH course is required, in which case students will be required to complete one of either ECON1202 or ECON1203

For ECON1202, the substitute courses are: MATH1031 or MATH1131 or MATH1141.

For ECON1203, the substitute courses are: MATH 1041 or MATH1231 or MATH1241.

The ECON courses are not substitutes for these MATH courses. No credit will be given if students also complete the ECON courses.

Students have the option of counting the MATH courses towards the BSc and doing additional electives offered by the School of Economics OR counting the MATH courses towards the BEc and doing additional electives offered by UNSW Science.

ECON1203 may be substituted by PSYC2001 for those students who also do a major in Psychology.

Major requirements
  • Students must complete at least one major in Economics, Econometrics or Financial Economics consisting of ten courses (60UOC)
  • A Major includes six courses (36UOC) from the compulsory first and second year core courses. (ACCT1501 and ECON1401 do not count towards a major.)
  • For each major, students must complete an additional four courses, including at least three (3) level 3 courses (numbered 3XXX).
Economics electives – students are required to complete an additional two Economics courses (12 UOC) to complete the requirement for 84 UOC of Economics courses.

Free electives account for the balance of the BEc degree requirements. These courses may be taken from those offered by the UNSW Business School or other Faculties within UNSW.

GEN coded courses cannot be counted as Free Electives.

Area(s) of Economcs Specialisation:

• Econometrics
• Economics
• Financial Economics

Requirements for the Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) in dual degree mode (144 UOC):

• An approved major from the Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) program;
• SCIF1121 or SCIF1131 (6UOC);
• Honours Year (48UOC);
• Science elective courses.

Approved Majors in Advanced Science:
For details of available majors and what courses constitute ‘science’ courses, please refer to the 3962 Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) program page for more information.


Honours in the BEc

Eligible students may do an additional Honours year in the Bachelor of Economics. For further information relating to Honours, please see the School of Economics Honours program website.

Academic Rules

BEc Progression Rules

1. A minimum of 24 UOC of courses must be completed before enrolling in Level 2 courses.
2. A minimum of 48 UOC of courses must be completed before enrolling in Level 3 courses.

Students must declare their economics major before commencing Year 2.

Academic rules relating to the Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) in dual degree mode are as follows:
  1. Students must complete a minimum of 144 units of credit;
  2. Students must complete at least one approved Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) major, and this must be declared before enrolling in level II courses. Information about how to declare a major can be found on the Science Student Centre website;
  3. Students may choose to complete an optional minor using their Science electives. (See 3962 Advanced Science (Honours) for list of available minors);
  4. SCIF1121 Advanced Science: Professional Perspective and Practice (6 units of credit) or SCIF1131 Science: Technological & Professional Perspectives (6 units of credit) must be completed in first year;
  5. An Honours Year of 48 units of credit must be completed. For information regarding the admission requirements and application process for honours, please see the information under 'Honours' on the 3962 Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) program page;
  6. In addition to the courses required for a student's chosen major, SCIF1121/1131, and honours, students must take 'science' courses so that the major plus SCIF1121/1131, plus Honours year plus 'science' courses total 144 units of credit.
  7. Students must complete at least 24 units of credit of 'science' level I courses;
  8. Students must complete at least 30 units of credit of level III “Science” courses;
  9. Where offered in a particular major, students must take higher versions of any level II or level III courses. Any variation to this must be approved by the Associate Dean (Academic Programs) or nominee.
  10. Student may not enrol into level II courses until at least 30UOC of credit of level I courses have been successfully completed.
  11. Students may not enrol into level III courses until at least 72 UOC of courses have been successfully completed.
  12. Progression to stages 2, 3, and 4 of this program is subject to academic performance. Students will be required to attain a weighted average mark (WAM) of 70 in each semester. If a student does not maintain this minimum level of academic performance, they will be transferred to the 3563 Bachelor of Economics / Bachelor of Science program
  13. Students who intend to complete a double major, or a major combined with a minor in the Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) when taken as part of a dual degree at UNSW, should be aware that it will be very difficult to complete these combinations within 144 units of credit. This may involve extra time and cost to complete, and may have Visa implications for international students.


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:  UNSW Fee Website.

Professional Recognition

For further information, refer to the Professional Recognition of Programs in the UNSW Online Handbook.

Further Information

Please note that these requirements may be subject to change. Students should always follow the program requirements according to the year they started their degree. For more information please visit Previous UNSW Online Handbooks

Contact the UNSW Business School Student Centre for advice.
tel: + 61 2 9385 3189
location: Level 1, room 1028, Quadrangle Building
Forms, policies and procedures
Frequently asked questions

Contact the Science Student Centre for advice on the BSc(Adv Sc) component:
UNSW Science
tel: + 61 2 9385 6125 / 9385 7788
location: Robert Webster Building, Room 128

Related Program(s)

3543 Economics
3970 Science
3543 Economics
3563 Economics / Science
3564 Economics / Advanced Maths
3521 Commerce/Economics
4744 Economics / Law

Area(s) of Specialisation