Mat Sci and Eng / Commerce - 3136
This Program is no longer accepting new enrolments
Program Summary
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Contact: School of Materials Science and Engineering
Campus: Sydney
Career: Undergraduate
Typical UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC Per Semester: 6
Max UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC For Award: 264
UAC Code: 429610
Domestic Entry Requirements: See Domestic Entry Requirements
International Entry Requirements: See International Entry Requirements
Bachelor of Commerce (Major)
Bachelor of Engineering (Major)
View program information for previous years
Program Description
The Faculty of Science and the UNSW Business School offer a dual degree program which qualifies students for two degrees after five and a half years of successful study: Bachelor of Engineering (in Process Metallurgy, Physical Metallurgy, Ceramic Engineering or Materials Science) and Bachelor of Commerce.
Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes
Program Structure
Each study stream provides a range of specialised electives. In addition, a limited number of electives can be chosen from other streams.
The Bachelor of Commerce component of the program requires students to undertake study that meet requirements for the award when undertaken in dual degree mode. Further details are available in the Bachelor of Commerce (3502) Handbook entry.
The following information provides an outline of the preferred program structure:
- PHYS1121 Physics 1A (6UOC) or PHYS1131 Higher Physics 1A (6UOC)
- MATH1131 Math 1A (6UOC) or MATH1141 Higher Math 1A (6UOC)
- MATH1231 Math 1B (6UOC) or MATH1241 Higher Math 1B (6UOC)
- ENGG1811 Computing for Engineers (6UOC) or COMP1911 Computing 1 (6UOC)
- ENGG1000 Engineering Design (6UOC)
- MATS1192 Design & Application of Materials (6UOC)
12 UOC from the full list of available Stage 1 electives available in the School of Materials Science & Engineering Program Guide 3136.- Recommended electives:
CHEM1011 Chemistry A (6UOC) or CHEM1031 Higher Chemistry A (6 UOC)
- Stage 2
Semester One
- 6 UOC of Commerce courses
- 24 UOC of Commerce courses
Semester One
- 24 UOC of Commerce courses
Semester One
- 12 UOC of Commerce courses
- MATS4009 Materials Engineering Project (9 UOC) or MATS4010 Materials Engineering Project (12 UOC)^
- MATS3004 Polymer Science & Engineering 1 (6 UOC)
- 6 UOC of Commerce courses
Semester Two
- MATS4009 Materials Engineering Project (9 UOC) and Engineering Professional Electives* (totalling 12 UOC)
MATS4010 Materials Engineering Project (12 UOC) and Engineering Professional Elective* (6 UOC) - 6 UOC of Commerce courses
Semester One
- Engineering Professional Elective* (6 UOC)
- 18 UOC of Commerce courses24 UOC of Commerce courses
General Education Requirements
For further information, please refer to the General Education Guidelines.
Academic Rules
To qualify for the Bachelor of Engineering and the Bachelor of Commerce a student must successfully complete courses that total at least 264 UOC and include:
(a) in the Faculty of Science:
minimum 168 UOC comprised of courses described in the requirements for program. 3135 BE in Materials Science and Engineering; and
(b) in the UNSW Business School:
minimum 96 UOC comprised of level I introductory courses; a major of at least 48 UOC in an approved disciplinary stream; and suitable free options to make up the full 96 UOC. For full details of the rules for the Bachelor of Commerce, please see the 3502 Bachelor of Commerce page; and
(c) at least 60 days of approved Industrial Training (required for the award of the BE degree).
(d) Students enrolled in the BE/BCom dual degree are not required to undertake either Quantitative Analysis for Business and Economics (ECON1202) or Business and Economic Statistics (ECON 1203) as part of their Commerce component. Completion of the maths courses in the Engineering component of the dual degree are equivalent to these two courses.
2. Requirements for the BE and BCom degrees with Honours
(a) BE with Honours:
On completion of the requirements for the dual degrees a student may qualify for the award of the BE degree with Honours in accordance with the rules for the BE program and the Faculty of Science rules for calculation of the grade of Honours (1st Class Honours: a weighted average of 75% or greater; 2nd Class Honours Division 1: a weighted average of 70% or greater; 2nd Class Honours Division 2: a weighted average of 65% or greater. A student is awarded the highest grade of Honours for which they qualify).
(b) BCom with Honours:
On completion of the requirements for the dual degrees a student may be qualified to enrol in an Honours program in the Bachelor of Commerce and to qualify for the award of the BCom with Honours after successfully completing an additional year of study (48 UOC) as specified in the rules of the UNSW Business School.
3. Programs of study
The programs of study which may be taken for the degrees of Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Commerce are governed by the normal rules for award of the BE and BCom in the Faculty of Science and the UNSW Business School respectively, which specify:
(i) units of credit;
(ii) corequisites, prerequisites, assumed knowledge;
(iii) the structure of the degree program; and
(iv) any special conditions.
4. Award of the degrees
(i) A student who completes the requirements for both the BE and BCom degrees shall receive at graduation a separate testamur for each of the degrees.
(ii) A student may apply to discontinue the BE BCom degree programs and elect to complete either the BE or BCom degree in accordance with the rules governing award of that degree. Following discontinuation of one of the programs (BE or BCom), courses which count toward that program will not in general count toward the remaining single degree unless they meet the single degree requirements in their own right.
5. Administration of the programs
(i) A student's general program will be administered by the Faculty of Science with delegated administration by the School of Materials Science and Engineering.
(ii) Students' programs will be administered by the Australian School of Buisness for the BCom component of the program and by of the Faculty of Science for the BE part of the program.
(iii) The Australian School of Buisness and the Faculty of Science shall jointly exercise authority in any matter concerning the dual degrees not otherwise covered by these rules.
6. Enrolment
(i) An application to enrol as a candidate for the dual degree program shall be made through the UAC, or on the prescribed form for international students which shall be lodged with the Registrar at least two calendar months before the commencement of the session in which enrolment is to begin.
(ii) The candidate shall be enrolled as either a full-time or part-time student.
8. Program structure
The programs may be varied by students according to the rules governing electives, pre- and corequisites and progression within each program. Subject to pre- and corequisites and progression rules, students may take courses at any time during the program; it is the responsibility of each student to ensure that the rules governing the award of the degrees have been met and that the program of study in each session of enrolment is feasible with regards to progression and timetabling.
Industrial Training Requirement
Professional Recognition
Related Program(s)
3135 Mat Sci and Eng
3502 Commerce
Area(s) of Specialisation