Commerce / Computer Science - 3967
Program Summary
Faculty: UNSW Business School
Contact: UNSW Business School Student Centre
Campus: Sydney
Career: Undergraduate
Typical UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC Per Semester: 6
Max UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC For Award: 192
UAC Code: 424100
Domestic Entry Requirements: See Domestic Entry Requirements
International Entry Requirements: See International Entry Requirements
Bachelor of Commerce (Major)
Bachelor of Science (Major)
View program information for previous years
Program Description
The dual degree program Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) (BCom/BSc(Comp Sc)) degree provides the latest thinking in business and technology for today and the future. It offers excellent career options, equipping graduates with unique skill sets that can lead to a wide range of career opportunities.
Whether you want to focus your career in computer science and also want the commercial skills that a business degree can give you, or you want a career in business with the added dimension of a computer science degree, then this dual degree gives you the flexibility to choose a program to meet your needs.
Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes
On successful completion of the BCom component, students will have the ability to:
- demonstrate business knowledge and apply that knowledge in business problems
- demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills
- present complex issues in coherent written statements and oral presentations demonstrate understanding of disciplinary issues in a local or global context
- demonstrate understanding of the principles of working collaboratively in teams
- understand the social and ethical dimensions in their chosen disciplinary areas
Please contact the School of Computer Science and Engineering for information on the Program Objectives and Learning Outcomes for this component.
Program Structure
These UOC need to be made up of:
- BCom Compulsory core courses (18 UOC)
- BCom Flexible core courses (24 UOC)
- Commerce Major requirements (48 UOC)
- UNSW Business School electives (6-18 UOC)
- Computer Science courses
BCom Flexible core courses account for 24 UOC (4 courses). Students should choose four courses from the following list:
- ACCT1511 Accounting & Financial Mgt 1B (6 UOC)
- COMM1000 Creating Social Change (6 UOC)
- ECON1102 Macroeconomics 1 (6 UOC)
- FINS1613 Business Finance (6 UOC)
- INFS1602 Info Systems in Business (6 UOC)
- MARK1012 Marketing Fundamentals (6 UOC)
- MGMT1101 Global Business Environment (6 UOC)
- TABL1710 Business and the Law (6 UOC)
flexible) requirements. Students are unable to take a modern language as a major stream.
UNSW Business School Electives account for 6 -18 UOC (1 - 3 courses)
Students have a minimum of 6 UOC of UNSW Business School electives to complete due to the ECON1203 requirement being fulfilled by MATH courses within the BSc component (refer to note above). Any remaining credit requirements within the B Com component (a total of 96 UOC must be completed) must be taken in courses offered by the UNSW Business School.
BSc program requirements:
- Core Computer Science (60 UOC)
- MATH1141 Higher Mathematics 1A OR MATH1131 Mathematics 1A
- MATH1241 Higher Mathematics 1B OR MATH1231 Mathematics 1B
- MATH1081 Discrete Mathematics
- Free Electives (18 UOC) (any undergraduate course taken at UNSW, except for GENx courses).
The flexibility of the Computer Science Program allows specialisations within the program such as Robotics and Computer Games. Hence a student may use some of the Core Computer Science courses and electives to specialise in up to two of the following areas:
- COMPA1 Computer Science (Compulsory)
- COMPG1 Computer Game Design & Construction
- COMPI1 Artificial Intelligence
- COMPH1 Human Computer Interaction
- COMPR1 Robotics
- COMPE1 Electronic Commerce
- COMPN1 Computer Networks
- COMPD1 Database Systems
After completion of the dual program, or 144 UOC including all requirements for the Bachelor of Commerce component, high achieving students may apply for entry to the 4501 Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) program to undertake honours in in particular business disciplines. The Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) is one year of full-time study (48 UOC) which provides students with advanced knowledge of their chosen field and develops research and communication skills. Students usually complete advanced courses/seminars and a thesis. Students interested in studying at Honours Level should refer to the Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) program and plans for entry requirements.
B Science (Honours) Computer Science
After completion of 96 UOC, including all requirements for the BSc (Computer Science) component, students may apply for entry to honours year.
The Computer Science Honours program takes one year full-time or two years of part-time study.
Normally, students are expected to have attained an average mark of 65 to qualify for entry to the Honours program. Students who have graduated with a three-year computer science degree from UNSW or another university can apply for admission to Honours directly.
Academic Rules
Rules relating to the award of the degree of Bachelor of Commerce in dual mode shall apply wherever relevant. Students are advised to consult the Academic Rules for further information.
Academic rules relating to the Bachelor of Science (Computer science) in dual mode are as follows:
1. Students must complete a minimum of 96 units of credit for the Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) including all core and elective options;
2. Student may graduate from the Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) on completion of 144uc in the dual award, including all core and elective options for the BSc.
Professional Recognition
Further Information
Contact the UNSW Business School Student Centre for advice.
tel: + 61 2 9385 3189
location: Level 1, room 1028, Quadrangle Building
Forms, policies and procedures
Frequently asked questions
School of Computer Science and Engineering
e-mail: undergrad@cse.unsw.edu.au
tel: + 61 2 9385 4329
location: Ground Floor, K17 Building
Area(s) of Specialisation