Commerce / Advanced Science - 3593
Program Summary
Faculty: UNSW Business School
Contact: UNSW Business School Student Centre
Campus: Sydney
Career: Undergraduate
Typical UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC Per Semester: 6
Max UOC Per Semester: 24
Min UOC For Award: 240
UAC Code: 424100
Domestic Entry Requirements: See Domestic Entry Requirements
International Entry Requirements: See International Entry Requirements
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Commerce (Major)
Bachelor of Science (Advanced)
Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Honours)
Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Major)
View program information for previous years
Program Description
The Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (BCom/BSc (Adv)) dual degree program enables students to complete a depth of study in advanced science from the Faulty of Science, complemented with a strong, focused and highly regarded business program.
The typical duration of this program is 5 years full-time, including (subject to academic performance) an Honours year in the Bachelor of Science (Advanced). With approval, students with an excellent academic record within the Commerce component may proceed to enrol in the separate one year Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) program after the completion of at least 144UOC including all the requirements B Commerce component.
For questions regarding the Bachelor of Commerce requirements for the program, students should consult staff in the UNSW Business School Student Centre. For questions relating to the Bachelor of Science component of the program, students should consult the UNSW Science Student Centre.
For detailed information on the professional recognition this degree offers please visit Professional Recognition of Programs in the UNSW Online Handbook.
Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes
- demonstrate business knowledge and apply that knowledge in business problems;
- demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills;
- present complex issues in coherent written statements and oral presentations;
- demonstrate understanding of disciplinary issues in a local or global context;
- demonstrate understanding of the principles of working collaboratively in teams;
- understand the social and ethical dimensions in their chosen disciplinary areas.
- graduate scientists with both breadth and depth of scientific knowledge and professional skills;
- develop the capacity for critical thinking and independent learning;
- provide training in the practice and management of research and instil a research ethos;
- endue general and science-specific graduate attributes;
- expose students to disciplines outside science, and the social context of science.
Program Structure
- BCom Compulsory core courses
- Core statistics course
- BCom Flexible core courses
- SCIF1121 or SCIF1131
- An approved major from the B Commerce program
- UNSW Business School electives
- An approved major from the B Science (Advanced) program;
- Science elective courses ('Science' courses are defined in Rules below.)
- 48 units of credit Honours Year within the Bachelor of Science (Advanced) program
Students should select the MATH or PSYC course required for their Advanced Science major. If an Advanced Science major does not require a MATH or PSYC course (for example the Pathology and Vision Science majors) or if the Advanced Science major does not require one of the statistics courses listed above, students should complete ECON1203.
Students who complete a MATH or PSYC course to satisfy this requirement will have the course counted towards their Advanced Science component. Students who complete ECON1203 to satisfy the requirement will have the course counted towards their Commerce degree component.
BCom Flexible core courses account for 24 UOC (4 courses). Students should choose four courses from the following list:
- ACCT1511 Accounting & Financial Mgt 1B (6 UOC)
- COMM1000 Creating Social Change (6 UOC)
- ECON1102 Macroeconomics 1 (6 UOC)
- FINS1613 Business Finance (6 UOC)
- INFS1602 Info Systems in Business (6 UOC)
- MARK1012 Marketing Fundamentals (6 UOC)
- MGMT1101 Global Business Environment (6 UOC)
- TABL1710 Business and the Law (6 UOC)
- Accounting
- Business Economics
- Business Strategy and Economic Management
- Business Law
- Finance
- Financial Economics
- Human Resource Management
- Information Systems
- International Business
- Management
- Marketing
- Real Estate Studies
- Taxation
Any remaining credit requirements within the B Com component (a minimum of 96 UOC must be completed) after the core courses and Commerce major must be taken in courses offered by the UNSW Business School. The exact number of courses to complete will depend on the major chosen.
BSc (Advanced) Major requirements:
Please refer to the table of approved majors listed on the 3972 Bachelor of Science (Advanced) program page for more information on approved Advanced Science majors.
Science Elective courses: These will typically account between 6 and 42 units of credit in ‘science’ courses to ensure a student completes a minimum of 144 UOC for the BSc (Advanced) component, including the honours year. The exact number of additional 'science' courses to be completed will depend on the major chosen.
Academic Rules
- Students must complete a minimum of 144 units of credit;
- Students must complete at least one approved Bachelor of Science (Advanced) major, and this must be declared before enrolling in Level II courses;
- SCIF1121 Advanced Science: Professional Perspective and Practice (6 units of credit) or SCIF1131 Science: Technological and Professional Perspectives (6 units of credit) must be completed in first year. Students taking the Vision Science major should take VISN1101 Seeing the World: Perspectives from Vision Science instead of SCIF1121 or SCIF1131.
- An Honours Year of 48 units of credit must be completed. For information regarding the admission requirements and application process for honours, please see the information under 'Honours';
- In addition to the courses required for a student's chosen major, SCIF1121/1131, and honours, students must take 'science' courses so that the major plus SCIF1121/1131, plus Honours year plus 'science' courses total 144 units of credit;
- Students must complete at least 24 units of credit of 'science' Level I courses;
- A minimum of 30 units of credit of Level III ‘science’ courses must be completed;
- When offered in a particular Advanced Science major, students must take higher versions of courses. Any variation to this must be approved by the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs) or nominee;
- No student may commence Level II courses until 30 units of credit of Level I courses have been successfully completed.
- Students may commence Level III courses upon successful completion of 72 units of credit.
- Progression to stages 2, 3, and 4 is subject to academic performance. Students will be required to attain a weighted average mark (WAM) of 70 in each semester. Where students do not maintain this minimum Level of academic performance, they will be transferred to the Bachelor of Commerce / Bachelor of Science program.
Students wishing to complete a Biotechnology, Neuroscience or Vision Science major may not be able to complete their major within the minimum units of credit. Completing one of these majors as part of the dual program may involve an extra semester of study, extra cost and would have visa implications for international students.
Professional Recognition
Further Information
Contact the UNSW Business School Student Centre for advice.
tel: + 61 2 9385 3189
location: Level 1, room 1028, Quadrangle Building
Forms, policies and procedures
Frequently asked questions
Science Student Centre
e-mail: sso@unsw.edu.au
tel: + 61 2 9385 6125 / 9385 7788
location: Robert Webster Building, Room 128
Area(s) of Specialisation
- Accounting
- Anatomy
- Archaeology
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Bioinformatics
- Biological Science
- Biotechnology
- Business Economics
- Business Law
- Business Strategy and Economic Management
- Chemistry
- Climate Science
- Finance
- Financial Economics
- Genetics
- Geography
- Geology
- Geoscience and Spatial Information Systems
- Human Resource Management
- Information Systems and Information Technology
- International Business
- Management
- Marine Science
- Marketing
- Materials Science
- Mathematics
- Microbiology and Immunology
- Neuroscience
- Oceanography
- Pathology
- Pharmacology
- Physics
- Physiology
- Psychology
- Real Estate Studies
- Statistics
- Taxation
- Vision Science