
Medicinal Chemistry / Law - 4755

Program Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Law


Campus: Sydney

Career: Undergraduate

Typical Duration: 6.5 Years

Typical UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC Per Semester: 6

Max UOC Per Semester: 27

Min UOC For Award: 312

International Entry Requirements: See International Entry Requirements

View program information for previous years

Program Description

This program is for new 2014 commencing students. If you are a continuing student please refer to the Online Handbook in the year you started your Dual Law degree or contact the Faculty of Law for advice.
This program combines the professional LLB program with Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry. Medicinal Chemistry is an exciting, rapidly-expanding area within the broad discipline of Chemistry that has seen enormous growth recently both within Australia and globally. It includes the development of new pharmaceutical agents, from Concept to Clinic. Many different stages are involved; from the design and synthesis of novel drug candidates, to their biochemical effects, testing regimes and regulatory and ethical considerations. The Medicinal Chemistry program had been designed to ensure that graduates will have a strong background in contemporary biology, biochemistry and pharmacology, based upon a solid foundation of essential chemistry. Combining this with a Bachelor of Laws also equips students with an understanding of the law, important in this industry, and provides graduates with a degree that is recognized as satisfying the academic requirements for admission as a legal practitioner in NSW.

The program is a six and a half year full-time combined program leading to the award of the two degrees of Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry and Bachelor of Laws.

The degree of Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry/Bachelor of Laws is not awarded until the completion of the full six and a half year program, but students unable to complete the full program may apply to transfer to the four year Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry 3992 with advanced standing where appropriate.

Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes

At the completion of this program, students will have obtained a sound knowledge base in the disciplines of both Medicinal Chemistry and Law. Please refer to the program objectives and learning outcomes as listed:

Program Structure

    Total Unit Requirements
    Law compulsory courses - 96 UOC
    Law Prescribed Elective - 6 UOC
    Law elective courses - 42 UOC
    Medicinal Chemistry core program (including Honours) - 168 UOC
    Total 312 UOC

    Approved Sequence of Study
    Students must study Medicinal Chemistry courses in a sequence approved by the Faculty of Science and Law courses in a sequence approved by the Faculty of Law. A typical structure of a combined Medicinal Chemistry/Law program is set out below. An approved sequence can be found here:

    Plan for Medicinal Chemistry/Law 4755

    General Education Requirements

    Students enrolled in combined law degrees (with exception to Jurisprudence/Law) are not required to complete general education courses.


    Honours in Medicinal Chemistry
    Students must complete a 48 UOC Honours sequence as part of the Medicinal Chemistry program. Progression to Honours is subject to academic performance, and requires completion of all the requirements of the first three years of the Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry program, including level I, core and elective courses. Students are expected to have attained an overall WAM of 65 or higher to be eligible to continue to Honours. Admission is subject to appropriate research and supervision resources being available and quotas may be imposed for entry in any year, in which case admission will be determined on academic merit. Students who are ineligible to progress to Honours, will be required to transfer to the Bachelor of Science program (3970) (or 4770 Bachelor of Science / Law) and graduate with the Bachelor of Science award at pass level.

    Students completing Honours will be considered for the award of honours according to the following scale (based on performance in stage 4):

    Honours Class 1: mark of 85 or greater
    Honours Class 2 Division 1: mark from 75 to 84
    Honours Class 2 Division 2: mark from 65 to 74
    Honours Class 3 or Pass: mark below 65

    Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry program who wish to take out the Bachelor of Science award at pass level without proceeding to Honours, are required to transfer to the Science program (3970 or 4770 Science / Law). Applications to transfer should be lodged with the Science Student Centre no later than the census date for the semester in which the student expects to satisfy requirements. Students applying after that date may not be able to graduate in the next round of ceremonies.

    Honours in Laws
    The Bachelor of Laws (LLB) will be awarded with the following levels of Honours:

    Honours Class 1
    Honours Class 2, Division 1
    Honours Class 2, Division 2

    To be awarded Honours in Law, students are not required to complete an additional year. Honours in Law is based on academic excellence throughout the degree. Honours in Law is based on academic excellence throughout the degree. There are three criteria relevant for awarding Honours:

    Law Honours Weighted Average Mark (WAM)
    Law Honours WAM will be calculated using the WAM from core courses as 60 percent of the Honours WAM and the WAM from the prescribed elective courses as 40 percent of Honours WAM.

    Satisfactory performance in written research
    To demonstrate satisfactory performance in written research, a student must complete one long substantial piece (i.e. research thesis) or three shorter substantial pieces of research (i.e. 3000 words or more) in their program that is awarded a credit or more.

    Not been found guilty of plagiarism or serious misconduct on more than one occasion and not more than one failure in the law program. Satisfactory performance in written research.

    For more information, please visit Honours Page on the Law website.

    Academic Rules

    Requirements for the Medicinal Chemistry in concurrent mode
    Where a student undertakes a Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry program as part of a dual degree with another undergraduate program at UNSW, the program rules for the Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry are as follows (for further information regarding each rule, please refer to the relevant rule for the single degree program as listed above).
    1. Students must complete a minimum of 168 Units of Credit in Medicinal Chemistry Program 3992
    2. Students must follow the program of study as outlined in this Handbook, including 108 units of credit of core courses and at least 12 units of credit of courses from the approved electives list (see above).
    3. An Honours Year of 48 units of credit must be completed. No student may commence Honours until stages 1 to 3 have been completed successfully. For information regarding the admission requirements and application process for honours, please see the information under 'Honours'.
    4. No student may commence level II courses until 30 units of credit of level I courses have been successfully completed. Any exception to this rule must be approved by the Program Authority.
    5. Students may commence level III courses upon successful completion of 72 units of credit.
    6. Progression to Stages 3 and 4 is subject to academic performance. Students will be required to maintain a Weighted Average Mark (WAM) of at least 65% for progression to Stage 3, and Stage 4.
    Students who do not meet the requirement to enter Honours will be transferred to Bachelor of Science 3970 or Bachelor of Science/Law 4770 will, on successful completion of the first three stages of Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry 3992, graduate with the degree of Bachelor of Science 3970. Students who transfer to program 3970 or 4770 before successfully completing all requirements of program 3992 will be required to complete a major in 3970 as specified in the Handbook.

    Requirements for the Bachelor of Laws
    For Academic Rules relating to the Bachelor of Laws component of this combined degree program, please refer to Bachelor of Law 4701. Although this program is no longer on offer, all combined law students enrolled in the LLB will need to comply with the rules stated here.

    A direct link is given below:
    Bachelor of Laws 4701


    For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:

    Area(s) of Specialisation