
Actuarial Studies / Law - 4737

Program Summary

Faculty: Faculty of Law


Campus: Sydney

Career: Undergraduate

Typical Duration: 5 Years

Typical UOC Per Semester: 24

Min UOC Per Semester: 3

Max UOC Per Semester: 27

Min UOC For Award: 240

UAC Code: 426000

Domestic Entry Cut-off: 99.70  

International Entry Requirements: See International Entry Requirements


Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (Major)

Bachelor of Laws (Major)

View program information for previous years

Program Description

This program is for new 2014 commencing students. If you are a continuing student please contact the Faculty of Law for advice.

This dual degree provides you with the opportunity to gain professional qualifications in both Actuarial Studies and Law.

This highly rewarding program combines the Bachelor of Actuarial Studies with the professional Bachelor of Law program, allowing students to develop a greater understanding of the legal framework within which businesses operate.

This dual degree will challenge, expand and develop both the technical and non-technical skills required to pursue a career as an actuarial analyst, or explore opportunities in the financial services and insurance industry. In the law studies students will learn through experiencing the law in practice, with opportunities to engage in mooting, undertake internships or clinical programs and go on international exchange.

The Bachelor of Actuarial Studies involves the application of statistical and financial analysis and risk models to management in general, life and health insurance, superannuation, investment and finance.

The Actuarial Studies program serves as a foundation for students who wish to enter the actuarial profession. Students must achieve the required academic standard in their Actuarial Studies courses to gain exemption from Part I of the Actuaries Institute in Australia, the CT courses of The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (UK) professional examinations or the VEE credit for the Society of Actuaries (USA). Students can also potentially gain exemption from Part II of the Actuaries Institute professional examinations and become an Associate member by completing the designated fourth year courses at the required academic standard.

Major Sequence
(i) Students may select any major from those offered in the Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (3586).
(ii) Students may select any minor from those offered in the Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (3586).

See stream structure at
Plan for Actuarial Studies/Law 4737

The program is a five year full-time dual program leading to the award of the two degrees of Bachelor of Actuarial Studies and Bachelor of Laws (BActSt/LLB).

The degree of Bachelor of Actuarial Studies/Bachelor of Laws is not awarded until the completion of the full five year program, but students unable to complete the full program may apply to transfer to the three year Bachelor of Actuarial Studies program with advanced standing where appropriate.

Program Objectives and Graduate Attributes

At the completion of this program, students will have obtained a sound knowledge base in the disciplines of both Actuarial Studies and Law.

Program Structure

Total Unit Requirements
  • Law compulsory courses - 96 UOC
  • Law prescribed elective - 6 UOC
  • Law elective courses - 42 UOC
  • Actuarial Studies compulsory courses - 72 UOC
  • Actuarial Studies third year elective courses - 18 UOC
  • Actuarial Studies minor course - 6 UOC
Approved Sequence of Study

Students must study Actuarial Studies courses in a sequence approved by the Australian School of Business and Law courses in a sequence approved by the Faculty of Law. A typical structure of a combined Actuarial Studies/Law program is set out below.

An approved sequence can be found here:
For details of the requirements for approved Actuarial Studies majors, please see the hyperlinked majors on the 3586 Bachelor of Actuarial Studies program page.

General Education Requirements

Students enrolled in dual law degrees (with exception to Jurisprudence/Law) are not required to complete general education courses.


Honours in Actuarial Studies
High achieving students may apply to undertake honours. Honours is an additional year of full-time study which provides students with advanced knowledge of their chosen field and develops research and communication skills. Students will need to complete advanced courses/seminars and a thesis.

Honours in Laws
The Bachelor of Laws (LLB) will be awarded with the following levels of Honours:

Honours Class 1
Honours Class 2, Division 1
Honours Class 2, Division 2

To be awarded Honours in Law, students are not required to complete an additional year. Honours in Law is based on academic excellence throughout the degree. Honours in Law is based on academic excellence throughout the degree. There are three criteria relevant for awarding Honours:

Honours Weighted Average Mark (WAM)
The Honours WAM weighting for core/electives for the Honours WAM is currently under review.

Satisfactory performance in written research
The Research Requirement for Honours is under review.

• Not been found guilty of plagiarism or serious misconduct on more than one occasion and not more than one failure in the law program.

For more information, please visit Honours Page on the Law website.

Academic Rules

Requirements for the Bachelor of Actuarial Studies in concurrent mode

Content of Program

To be awarded a degree at Pass level, the BActSt must contain (as a dual degree):

1. 96 UOC in compulsory and elective courses. These include 72 UOC of compulsory courses, and at least 18 UOC of elective Level 3 actuarial studies courses.

2. A minimum of 96 UOC of courses offered by the ASB.

Progression rules

3. A minimum of 24 UOC courses must be completed before enrolling in Level 2 courses.

4. A minimum of 72 UOC courses must be completed before enrolling in Level 3 courses.

Awarding degree

5. A Pass degree with Distinction may be awarded if a student achieves a minimum of 75 WAM across the program and completes a minimum of 72 UOC at UNSW.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Laws

For Academic Rules relating to the Bachelor of Laws component of this combined degree program, please refer to program 4701. Although 4701 program is no longer on offer, all combined law students enrolled in the LLB will need to comply with the rules stated here.

A direct link is given below:
Bachelor of Laws 4701.


For information regarding fees for UNSW programs, please refer to the following website:

Area(s) of Specialisation